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An Improvement Program for Oral Maintenance Ability of the Patients in Psychiatric Daycare Centers




Most chronic mental patients suffered from poor oral hygiene due to poor self-care and lack of motivation. Our team investigated the oral hygiene of chronic mental patients. We found that 51.3% of the patients had poor oral hygiene and the care unit did not provide any assessment. The questionnaire in our study showed that the correct rate of oral hygiene care was 35.55%; the correct rate of oral hygiene behavior was only 11.89%. The reasons for the poor ability to maintain oral hygiene can be concluded as a lack of motivation, of cognition, and of assessment. After we planned the oral cleaning competition, oral hygiene training, and established evaluation and reminding program, the correct concept rate reached 71.31% and the correct oral care behavior reached 42.16%. By improving the awareness and ability of patients, focusing on the importance of oral hygiene, and early detection of problems with dentist referral, it can reduce the negative impact of oral problems.


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