  • 期刊


Exploring the Social Support and Resilience of the Patient with Chronic Mental Illness in Halfway House


精神疾病屬慢性化疾病,會影響社會適應技巧,增加復原的困難度,當精神復健團隊協助病患回歸社區生活時,應提昇其因應環境變化的能力,並運用支持系統協助渡過生活的壓力與困境。本研究為橫斷式描述相關性研究,研究目的為瞭解康復之家慢性精神病患社會支持與復原力現況及其影響因素,採問卷調查,以花蓮地區某精神專科教學醫院附設康復之家的慢性精神病患為收案對象,共收集150位個案參與,研究工具包括三大部分:基本資料、社會支持量表、復原力量表,以SPSS/PC 23.0進行獨立樣本t-test、ANOVA、Pearson積差相關,及複迴歸等統計分析。結果顯示康復之家慢性精神病患社會支持主要來源為機構工作人員,家人次之,親戚朋友最少,復原力平均總分為35.39,屬於高度復原力,其主要影響因素包括家人的社會支持、機構工作人員的社會支持、及有固定工作,可共同解釋20.6%變異量。研究結果可作為精神醫療團隊成員,在未來提供精神病患復健服務時的參考依據,強化其社會支持的功能與來源並提供適切之職業復健,有助於提升復原力與回歸社區之能力。


Numerous mental illnesses are chronic diseases that affect patients' social adaptive skills; thereby it increases the difficulty of returning to their community life after initial treatment. Mental rehabilitation teams should assist in enhancing patients' ability to respond to environmental changes and teach them how to utilize resources to deal with their life dilemmas. This cross-sectional study explored the relationship between social support and resilience systems among patients having chronic mental illnesses in a Halfway House. A questionnaire was developed for this investigation and 150 psychiatric patients from the psychiatric college of Hualien District in Taiwan participated in the survey. The developed questionnaire comprised three parts: participant characteristics, a social support scale, and the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS/PC 23.0, a t test, a one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicated that the main sources of social support for patients with chronic mental illnesses in the Halfway House were institutional staff and immediate family members; lesser sources of support were other relatives and friends. The total average resilience score was 35.39, indicating high resilience. The main factors influencing the resilience of the patients were stable employment and social support from family members and institutional staff. The results of this study may serve as a reference for community psychiatric team members in addition to improving patient rehabilitation services. Specifically, the findings may support the efforts to enhance patients' social support systems and facilitate their returning to community life.


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