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A Critical Approach to Digital Humanities: Examining the Subjective Sphere



This paper proposes an alternative take to critique in the digital humanities (DH). As it further expands, the DH needs to critically engage with digital technologies by shifting the balance between the thinking and methods of the humanities. Taking the standpoint of a humanist enterprise, the DH ought to examine materiality as the essence of the digital. In so doing it should engage with the subjective experience as a starting point of analysis about how the digital impacts the nature of who we are, and in turn the way in which it affects culture and digital practices.


數位人文不同於傳統人文學的思想及方法,其較偏重數位科技的應用,目前數位人文著重數據化後的資料分析,反而失去了傳統人文學分析中豐富多元的主觀經驗。作者指出數位科技對我們影響深遠,任何人類處境的討論都無法逃避對於科技的反思。本文從人文學角度出發,提出嶄新的角度批判數位人文。站在人文學群的角度,數位人文的本質為Latour(2014)提出的物質性(materiality)概念,其探討範圍不應去脈絡化。作者特別提到Berry(2011)提出之批判的轉向(critical turn),指出數位人文研究可把性別、種族、意識形態、政治等過去較不受數位人文重視的議題,導入數位人文的研究取向。因此,在特定時空背景下產生的主觀經驗分析應為數位人文研究的起始點,讓數位人文回到人文學對文化和習以為常的行為模式的研究,對人所在的處境作出反思。


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