  • 期刊


Examining the Reasonableness of Increasing Criminal Culpability Based on the Amount of Criminal Gain of More Than One Hundred Million Dollars Gain Resulting from Offense: Focusing on Section 171 of Stock Exchange Act and Section 125 of Banking Law




In 2004, the legislators amended Stock Exchange Act and Banking Law, which increase criminal culpability base on the gain resulting from offense. When the gain is more one hundred million dollars, the culpability increases from 3-10 years in prison to more than 7 years in prison. It applies to all kinds of financial crimes. However, regarding the questions of how to measure the criminal gains, there are divided opinion between the courts. This article will analyze the reasons behind the statute that can support the increased culpability. Eventually, the author cannot find any reasonable bases to increase culpability simply based on criminal gain. Therefore, this article suggests the current statutes that increase criminal culpability base on the criminal gains shall be abolished. The criminal gains shall not be the only element to measure defendant's sentencing.


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