  • 期刊

Herman Hesse's Siddhartha: Hybridity of Romanticism and Dharma



Herman Hesse's Siddhartha conveys Buddhist thought although the protagonist Siddhartha seeks his own way of enlightenment without obeying the Buddha's doctrines. Siddhartha's quest for the meaning of life represents not only Hesse's yearning for perfection in the world but the universal need of self transcendence and mental liberation. Siddhartha, as David McMahan perceives, is the modern counterpart of the ancient Buddha, the mixture that encompasses both Indian wisdom and Romantic individuality. Starting from McMahan's glancing mention of the mixture of Romanticism and Buddhism in Siddhartha, this study analyzes the text in detail to demonstrate their contact points in two parts. In the first part, Romantic spontaneity is discussed in line with Buddhist non-attachment to Dharma. In the second part, Romantic organicism is shown to be compatible with Buddhist interbeing. While Siddhartha is often discredited as a false portrayal of Buddhism, it exhibits the traces Buddhism evolves into ahistorical spiritualism today. The classical concept of emptiness is updated as spiritual freedom and ecological interconnectedness, which in turn chime with Romantic inner voice and self-elimination. With the hybridity of Romantic themes and Buddhist emptiness, Siddhartha is not so much the distortion of Buddhism as the romanticized version of Buddhism that helps heal the afflicted souls in modern society.


Dharma emptiness interbeing organicism Romanticism


赫曼赫賽所著的《流浪者之歌》傳達佛教的思想,雖然悉達多以自己的方式尋找開悟之道,不願遵循佛陀的教法。悉達多對於生命意義的追尋代表的不僅是赫賽追求世間完美的渴望,也是普世自我超越及心靈解放的需求。如David McMahan所見,悉達多是遠古佛陀的現代分身,是一個包含印度的智慧和浪漫主義的個人意識之綜合體。McMahan略述《流浪者之歌》為混合浪漫主義及佛法之作,本研究始於此論點,詳加分析此文本,以兩個部分說明兩者的融合處。第一部份討論浪漫主義的自發自主和佛教的不執著於法有一致性。第二部分闡釋浪漫主義的有機體論和佛法的互攝存在兼容並蓄。雖然《流浪者之歌》經常被斥為佛教的假相,但它展現了今日的佛教演變成普世精神主義的軌跡。傳統的空性觀被賦予精神自由以及生態互聯的新意,進而呼應浪漫思想的內在聲音和自我消弭。《流浪者之歌》結合了浪漫思潮和佛法空性,與其說它扭曲了佛教,不如說它是佛教的浪漫版本,有助於療癒現代社會受創傷的心靈。


佛法 空性 互攝存在 有機體論 浪漫主義
