  • 期刊


A Study on the Reorganization Orientation of the Membership of "Central Military Commission" in Three Sessions during Xi Jinping Period




This study uses literature analysis to sort out the reorganization orientation of the three "Central Military Commission" during Xi Jinping's period and combs through prioritized perspectives for cadre promotion. First, Xi Jinping broke the 10-year limit of two terms and replaced the unspoken rule of "seven up and eight down" with "up and down," which profoundly impacted the political situation of PRC. Secondly, since the members of the Military Commission have no term limit and there is no sight of a ununiformed vice chairman, meaning it will act according to Xi Jinping's will, sowing the seeds of internal power struggle and regime instability, which will have far-reaching effects. Finally, from the analysis of the " being able to win battles" of the third Central Military Commission members, Xi Jinping nominated generals with actual combat (military exercises or military operations other than war) experience and scientific and technological background as members of the Central Military Commission, focusing on national defense and military modernization, and the ability to invade Taiwan by force, which has indicative significance on the ability of members of the "The 20th National Congress of CCP" more than the "The 18th and 19th National Congress of CCP."


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