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Recurrence of Endometrioma after Surgical Treatment Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine-A Case Report




This 45 y/o female who had right lower abdominal dull pain and abnormal vaginal bleeding visited Obstetrics and Gynecology OPD clinic in 2005. She had had myomectomy and left ovarian cystectomy because Multiple uterine myoma was diagnosed. She was experienced hot flashes and menopause during postoperative medication. In 2009, because the recurrence of ovarian endometrioma, laparascopic left partial oophorectomy was performed. In 2010, posterior uterine myoma and right ovarian endometrioma was suspected. She suffered from fatigue, right lower abdominal dull pain, backache, and insomnia. Based on the patient's condition, the method of relieving Qi Stagnancy in Liver, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, clearing Heat and eliminating Dampness, and nourishing yin was prescribed throughout the whole treatment period, and herbal remedies such as Jiawei Xiaoyao San, guizhi fuling wan, and longdan xiegan Tang was prescribed. The herb of nourishing yin, tonifying the kidney, tranquilizer, and analgesia was applied during the treatment period. After nearly 6 months of Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the patient's serum CA-125 level was substantially decreased and the size of right ovarian cyst was gradually reduced. The result suggested us confidently that the Traditional Chinese medicine would provide better medical care for recurrence of endometrioma after surgical treatment.


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The ESHRE Guideline on Endometriosis 2008. http://guidelines.endometriosis.org/
