  • 期刊


Studies on Adulteration and Misusage of Acanthopanacis Cortex in Market


五加皮(Acanthopanacis Cortex)為常用中藥之一,『神農本草經』列為上品,其基原為五加科(Araliaceae)植物細柱五加Acanthopanax gracilistylus W. W. Smith的乾燥根皮。雖藥典以細柱五加為正品入藥,但根據典藉記載,歷代以來使用混亂,各地採用基原不一,尚有紅毛五加Acanthopanax giraldii Harms、香加皮Periplec sepium Bge.、地骨皮Lyciumchinense Mill.等當五加皮使用。然五加皮與誤用品之成分功效不同,而其中誤用品香加皮還具毒性成分杠柳毒苷(Periplocin)。有鑑於此,本研究為了解市售五加皮藥材之使用情形,搜集五加皮類對照藥材,由生藥組織學即性狀特徵、組織鏡檢與薄層層析法,配合本局開發之Nested PCR與DNA定序方法予以探討,以建立鑑別方法,並進行市售43件檢體之基原鑑定。結果顯示,43件檢體中,9件(20.9%)為五加皮,32件(74.4%)為香加皮,2件(4.7%)為紅毛五加,市售五加皮誤用情形嚴重,宜應導正。


五加皮 紅毛五加 香加皮 地骨皮 鑑別


Alternatives and adulterants of raw materials may affect the therapeutic efficacy of Chinese medicinal preparations, and pose harm to health. Therefore, authentic raw materials are the priority issue for the safety and quality of traditional Chinese medicines. The botanical origin of Acanthopanacis Cortex is dried root bark of Acanthopanax gracilistylus. According to literatures, there are a number of alternatives and adulterants, such as Periploca sepium Beg., Acanthopanax giraldii Harms., and Lycium chinense Mill, etc. In order to identify the botanical origins of commercial Acanthopanacis Cortex in Taiwan, forty-three samples were purchased from market and were distinguished from authentic materials by morphology, microscopy, thin layer chromatographic analysis and DNA sequencing. The results showed that 9 out of 43 samples (20.9%) were A. gracilistylus, 32 samples (74.4%) were P. sepium and 2 samples (4.7%) were A. giraldii. According to the results, the adulteration of Acanthopanacis Cortex in market is very serious.

