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Transformed of Spatial Conte t of Urban Park in Taiwan -A Case Study on Sun Yat-Sen Park, Taichung City-


本研究以符號美學中關於「形式」與「内容」之探討爲基本立論,認爲形式(form)是内容(content)的一種表徵,而内容即是形式的眞正意涵。本研究即藉由公園中可見的實質形式(physical form)—設施物著手,進一步發掘該形式背後所潛藏之内容,以探求公園之空間内容(spatial content)在不同時間段落中的演變。公園中實質形式的改變與否的關鍵點在於内容爲何;因此在經過長時間的累積之後,公園空間的内容即呈現了一種意義的混雜。形式原本所代表的内容在換了另一個時代之後,未必能再繼續適切的符合當時代的生活背景,因此造成使用者對該形式產生意義認知上的模糊,也間接的造成使用上的錯置。本研究發現:1.空間被賦予的功能並不絕對等同於使用者在該空間中的使用方式。2.不符合大多數公園遊客使用方式的形式終將使空間成爲少數人佔用的空間,成為環境敗壞的起點。3.以「量」取勝的空間設計方式對公園的品質並無助益。4.具有「絶對性」時代意義的設施,一旦改朝換代則無法存留。5.歷史性設施在空間中毫無秩序的堆疊將使得形式及内容都變得無意義。6.以「偶像崇拜」或是「政治威權宣揚」為目的的設施在現今公園環境中是不適宜的,7.具有獨立性格的空間形式容易成為特殊族群佔據的空間,造成該空間與其他空間關係的分離,成爲實際上相連,心理上卻相隔的空間。


This research is based on the perspective of symbol aesthetic, considering "form" as the representation of "content", and the content is the true meaning of form. This research started by discussing the different period physical form of urban park. in order to find out the transform of spatial content in different period of Taiwan. Since the transformed discipline of physical form in park is depending on its spatial content. After the long periods of time, the spatial content would become ambiguous and complexity. The content of form may not be suitable to the other period. It will cause the uncertain cognize to park visitor. The uncertain cognize will cause inappropriate behavior. Research result showed the question of all parks, which was built in the Japanese occupation period is the publicity. This question will not only effect the park visitors experience, but also effect the image of the city Research commends, when designer is dealing with the public space that has a very long age, he should consider the meaning of form to user. If the physical form can't connect with users behavior, it would merely a filler.


urban park form content


