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Effects of Applied Stage for Organic Top-dressing on the Yield of Rice


本試驗自2003年一期作開始,至2004年二期作止。在臺中區農業改良場試驗田進行田間試驗。探討有機追肥施用時期對於水稻產量之影響。試驗為避免因病蟲之危害,而影響肥料之實質表現,因此於水稻生育全程均以化學藥劑控制病蟲害之發生。結果顯示一期作施用菜籽粕4 ton/ha,分三次施用,基肥2 ton/ha,移植後30天施用第一次追肥1 ton/ha,移植後50~60天施用第二次追肥1 ton/ha,其產量表現較高。二期作則以施用菜籽粕4 ton/ha,分三次施用,基肥2 ton/ha,移植後20天施用第一次追肥1 ton/ha,移植後40天施用第二次追肥1 ton/ha,其產量表現較高。兩期作均以基肥施用雞糞堆肥12 ton/ha,第一次追肥菜籽粕1 ton/ha(一期作移植後30天,二期作移植後20天),第二次追肥菜籽粕1 ton/ha(一期作移植後50天,二期作移植後30天)之處理,其水稻產量表現最差。


水稻 有機質肥料 追肥


Field experiments were carried out during the first and second crops in 2003 and 2004 to investigate the effects of applied stage of organic top-dressing on the yield of three rice cultivars, i.e., Tainung 67 and Tai keng 9 of Japonica type, and Taichung sen 10 of Indica type. Six fertilizer treatments were conducted in this study. Under well control of blight on the first crop, the treatments including rape seed meal 2 tons/ha served as base fertilizers, rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as first top-dressing applied on 30 days after transplanting, rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as second top-dressing applied on 50 or 60 days after transplanting, that rice yields were higher than that of other fertilizers treatments. On the second crop, the treatment including rape seed meal 2 tons/ha served as base fertilizers, rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as first top-dressing applied on 20 days after transplanting, rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as second top-dressing applied on 40 days after transplanting, that rice yields were higher than that of other fertilizers treatments. On the first and second crops, the treatments including chicken composts 12 tons/ha served as base fertilizers, rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as first top-dressing applied on 30 and 20 days after transplanting on the first and second crop, respectively and rape seed meal 1 tons/ha served as second top-dressing applied on 50 and 30 days after transplanting on the first and second crop, respectively, that rice yields were lower than that of other fertilizers treatments.
