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A Survey on the Occurrence of Rice Stem Borers and Their Damage in Taichung Areas


在1988至1990年重新調查台灣中部地區三種水稻螟蟲之危害情形,結果發現,一點螟(Scirpophaga incertulas)僅局限發生于大甲溪中游沿岸附近,若疏于防治,常導致嚴重枯心與白穗,早植稻枯心率在部份地區可達20%以上,晚植稻白穗率亦有達30%以上者,但在其他鄉鎮則未見有其為害跡象。大螟(Sesamia inferens)發生相當普遍,除在部份晚植稻及中間作被害嚴重外,在一般普植稻地區發生密度不高,但常於抽穗期後與二化螟蟲混合發生。二化螟(Chilo suppressalis)迄今仍為主要螟害,在部份早植稻地區未防治或防治不力者被害率常達15%以上,目前以彰化縣在冬季利用不整田方式種植小麥及碗豆地區及其附近數鄉鎮發生較為嚴重。從誘蛾燈全年總誘蛾量及稻殘莖中越冬蟲量調查,均顯示自1988年迄今之蟲數均遠比1969年以前為低。而應用昆蟲性費洛蒙偵測二化螟成蟲之年中消長,不論誘集數或穩定性,都比傳統之燈光誘蟲更為理想而有效,可供為偵測該蟲族群消長之有利工具。


水稻 螟蟲 發生 為害


A survey was made between 1988 and 1990 to assess the occurrence of and the damage caused by three rice stem borers, Scirpophage incertulas, Sesamia inferens, Chilo suppressalis. The occurrence of S. incertulas was limited to areas by the central part of Ta-chia river. Without proper control, it could lead to 20% deadheart in early-planting rice. Although S. inferens occurred quite widely, its population was generally low in most rice fields, except for some late-planting rice and interval crops. In the latter, serious damage could occur. After heading stage of the rice plants, it often occurred together with C. suppressalis, the most important borer on rice. Damage of early-planting rice could be as high as 15% in areas where no proper control measures of C. suppressalis were taken. Occurrence of this stem borer was high in some areas in Chang-hua prefecture where wheat and pea were planted during winter in a no-tillage method. Year-round light trapping as well as overwintering larvae counting showed that occurrence of this borer since 1988 was much lower than that prior to 1969. Sex pheromone trapping has been found to be a much more desirable method, in terms of total catch and performance stability, than the conventional light trapping to monitor seasonal variations of C. suppressalis population in the field.


rice stem borers occurrence damage
