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Study on the Origin and Dissemination of Buckwheat


蕎麥為蓼科蕎麥屬作物,栽培種可分為普通蕎麥(Fagopyrum esculentum)及韃靼蕎麥(F. tartaricum),中國喜馬拉雅山域之13個蕎麥種源大部分均集中在雲南地區,且發現普通蕎麥祖先種(F. esculentum ssp. ancestrale)的形態與普通蕎麥相近,AFLP技術也顯示雲南地區的蕎麥祖先種與普通蕎麥遺傳距離較小,因此推測普通蕎麥的起源為位於中國雲南地區。另外由品種系分析結果顯示,雲南西北部及四川地區的韃靼蕎麥的種原歧異度較高,較有可能為韃靼蕎麥的起源地。日本的普通蕎麥栽培種與中國北部栽培種的遺傳距離大,但與中國南部的栽培種之遺傳距離則較近,推測蕎麥可能由中國南部直接傳播至日本等國家。


Buckwheat is crop belongs to the Genus Fagopyrum, Polygonceae family. There are only two species that the common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tartaricum) are cultivated. On 13 species of buckwheat among Himalayan area, and most of those are in the Yunnan in China, found a wild variety F.esculentum ssp. ancestrale's and its phenotype was similar with common buckwheat. After analysis by AFLP, the genetic distance of wild common buckwheat with common buckwheat was closed, suggested that Yunnan province of China was proposed to be the origin of common buckwheat. Analysis of tatary buckwheat accessions indicated that there were higher diversity in Yunnan and Sichuan than other places, Yunnan and Sichuan was thought to be the origin of tatary buckwheat. The genetic distance of buckwheat between southern China and Japan was shorter than northern China and Japan. This may infer that dissemination of buckwheat was from southern China to Japan.


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