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Development of Peanut Variety Hualien No.2


落花生花蓮2號係以(台南選9號 × H.I. 9302)F1為母本,花育1號為父本,於1994年春作進行人工雜交,1994年秋作至1996年秋作以單粒後裔法進行雜交後代之分離及選拔單株,1997年春作至1999年秋作進行品系試驗(品系代號為HL 83-05),2001年春作至2002年秋作進行區域試驗(品系代號為花育12號)。此品系由於大莢多粒,且適合鮮食及加工用,於2003年10月17日通過審查,登記為「花蓮2號」,商品名稱為「三莢公」。落花生花蓮2號屬於瓦倫西亞型(Valencia type),生育日數春作約120~130天,秋作約為105~115天。植株直立,平均株高春作約35.4 cm,秋作約36.6 cm,分枝數5~6支。葉綠色橢圓型,莖呈淺綠色,花橙黃色。莢果長筒形,長約4.54 cm,寬約1.39 cm,百莢重約209~224 g,莢果略有網紋,屬於多粒莢型。籽粒為橢圓形,長約1.58 cm,寬約0.91 cm,千粒重約643~684 g,種皮為粉紅色。平均莢果產量春作約2972 kg/ha,秋作約2421 kg/ha;籽粒產量春作約2103 kg/ha,秋作約1645 kg/ha。籽粒油分含量春作約53.3%,秋作約52.9%;蛋白質含量春作約25.7%,秋作約24.7%。在田間自然發病情形下,銹病與葉斑病罹病等級較對照品種台南11號輕微。


A new peanut variety Hualien No. 2 has been developed and released by Hualien DAIS in 2003. The commercial name is called 'Sann-Ngeh-Kong'. This variety was derived by using the single-seed descent method from a cross between F1 (Tainan sel. 9 × H.I. 9302) and Hua-Yu No. 1 at spring crop in 1994. The final single plant selection was made in F5 generation and Hualien No. 2 was evaluated in series of tests during 1997~1999 at the experimental field of Hualien DAIS, and at the major peanut production area in Hualien under the designation of HL 83-05. In addition, Hualien No. 2 was evaluated in regional yield trials around the Island during 2001-2002 for its yield potential and stability under the designation of Hua-Yu No. 12. Hualien No. 2 is a Valencia type peanut with erect growth habit and required approximately 120 to 130 days and 105~115 days to harvest, respectively, in the spring and fall in Taiwan. The pod size is 4.55 cm x 1.39 cm, and the kernel size is 1.58 cm x 0.91 cm. The 100-pod weight is 209~224 g and the 1000-kernel weight is 64.3~68.4 g. Hualien No. 2 possess high yield potential and the average pod yield is 2972 kg/ha in the spring crop and 2421 kg/ha in the fall crop. The average kernel yield are 2103 and 1645 kg/ha in the spring and fall crop, respectively. Oil and protein content are 52.9~53.3% and 24.7~25.7%, respectively. Hualien No. 2 has higher resistance to rust and leaf spot than the commercial cultivar Tainan No. 11 in the field conditions.
