  • 期刊


Studies on the Effect of Packing and Temperature on the Onset of Climacteric Rise of Papaya Fruits


1.低成熟度之果實,在5~10℃下,其後熟的更年期上昇完全受到抑制。在15℃及室溫下,經11-14天後開始更年期上昇,中熟度之果實在5及10℃,其後熟的更年期上昇亦被完全抑制,在15℃及室溫下,經7-8天後開始更年期上昇。成熟度高之果實,其開始後熟的更年期上昇所需之日數,在不同貯藏溫度5、10、15℃及室溫下,依次爲17天、10天、7天、2天,貯藏溫度愈高,所需日數愈短,更年峯發生亦愈早且愈高。 2.各種成熟度採收之木瓜,貯於10℃以上溫度下,可使果實完全成熟。果實成熟時可溶性固形物含量提高,酸度減低。但如再繼續貯藏則可溶性固形物含量又減低,酸度又提高,果實也開始腐爛,溫度愈高變化愈快。 3.採收成熟度較低或經過低溫處理之果實,均可減少或延緩病害之發生。溫湯處理雖可減少或延緩炭疽病及蒂腐病之發生,但對於防止黴病之發生似無效果。PE袋密封包裹加速黴病之發生。 4.木瓜在10℃以下貯藏時發生凍害,超過15℃抑制後熟之效果差,故存於10~15℃之溫度下,或以成熟度稍高者,採用10℃貯藏,而成熟度較低者,以採用15℃貯藏爲佳。




1. The climacteric rise was completely inhibited and was remained at preclimacteric phase both at 5℃ and 10℃ conditions of less ripening fruit (M1), whereas, the onset of climacteric rise was found after 11-14 days of storage at 15℃ and room temperature conditions. This phenomena was the same of medium ripening fruit (M2) except which had only 7-8 days of the onset climacteric rise under 15℃ and room temperature conditions. The onset of climacteric rise of half ripening fruit (M3) was affected by temperature greatly. The temperature of 5℃, 10℃, 15℃ and room temperature respectively required 17 days, 10 day, 7 days and days accordingly for the climacteric rise. This indicated that the higher temperature, the less days required for the climacteric rise and the earlier or higher climacteric peak occurred. 2. If the temperature is under 10℃ the condition of temperature below 10℃ during the storage period, papaya will ripe in gradual to reach the highest soluable solid content and increase acidity rapidly and caused decay. The change of soluable solid content and acidity is affected by temperature, i. e. the higher temperature the faster rate of change. 3. Both less ripen-fruit and lower temperature treatment can decrease or delay the infection of disease. Hot water treatment of fruit can inhibite or delay the infection of anthracnose and stem-end rot, but no effect on controlling mold. PE bag wrapping promote the infection of mold. 4. Chilling injury was occurred under which caused skin color changed into dark brown and decreased marketing value. But there is lees effect on controlling ripeness when the temperature is over 15℃. Therefore, the optimum temperature for papaya storage is ranged from 10℃ to 15℃ depending on the stage of ripeness harvested. i. e. 10℃ is suitable for the half ripening fruits (M3) storage and 15℃ for medium ripening fruits (M2).




