  • 期刊

鈣肥配合激動素噴施對'Gower Ramsey'文心蘭植體成分及花序品質之影響

Effect of Calcium Supplement and Kinetin Spray on Component of Plant and Inflorescence Quality of Oncidium 'Gower Ramsey'


以文心蘭切花品種'Gower Ramsey'爲試驗材料,探討鈣肥施用配合kinetin噴施對文心蘭植株之營養器官生育、花序品質及生理變化之影響,以改善文心蘭切花品質。施用鈣300 ppm,假球莖之厚度最厚,達3.21㎝;施用鈣並配合kinetin噴施可使葉片維持較高的葉綠素含量,尤以濃度50 ppm時最爲顯著;以鈣300 ppm施用時,假球莖之全可溶性醣(TSS)含量最高,但施用鈣並配合kinetin溶液噴施後,假球莖之總可溶性醣(Total Soluble Sugar, TSS)含量會顯著下降,尤以100 ppm時最爲顯著,且葉片之TSS含量亦有減少的現象;相反的,於鈣施用下並配合kinetin噴施時,假球莖之澱粉含量會大量增加,尤以kinetin 50 ppm時最爲明顯,100 ppm次之;施用鈣並配合kinetin溶液噴施對文心蘭切花之瓶插壽命並無顯著影響,但可提高其花序之品質,包括增加花序之分叉數和總花苞數,養液中含鈣300 ppm並噴施kinetin 100 ppm時效果最爲顯著,可獲最多的分叉數和總花苞數。


文心蘭 假球莖 激動素 花序品質


Cut oncidium 'Gower Ramsey' plants were treated with calcium and kinetin to pursue the effect on the vegetative growth and inflorescence quality and physiological changes, then improved the quality of cut oncidium. Pseudobulb had the most thickness was 3.21㎝ when plant was treated with 300 ppm calcium. Calcium applied together with kinetin sprayed plants which maintained higher chlorophyll content, especially calcium 300 ppm applied and kinetin 50 ppm sprayed. Total soluble sugar content was found the highest content in calcium 300 ppm enrichment. However, calcium applied together with kinetin sprayed may reduce the total soluble sugar content of pseudobulb, especially in calcium applied together with kinetin 100 ppm sprayed. And total soluble sugar content of leaf also reduced. Starch content of pseudobulb increased upon calcium applied together with kinetin sprayed, especially in kinetin 50 ppm, then in kinetin 100 ppm. Calcium applied together with kinetin sprayed, inflorescence did not show the longer vase life. However, improved the inflorescence quality including increase branch and floret number. The treatment of calcium 300 ppm applied together with kinetin 100 ppm sprayed can have the best quality.


oncidium pseudobulb calcium kinetin inflorescence quality


