  • 期刊


A Study on Genetic Relationship among Garlic Clones with ISSR Markers


本研究利用ISSR(Inter simple sequence repeat)分子標誌探討收集到的46大蒜品種種原的遺傳相關性。經PCR(Polymerase chain reaction)條件測試及引子黏合溫度篩選,由九條UBC引子擴增出37個多型性標誌,計算供試大蒜材料間的遺傳相似度。由群叢分析結果將大蒜品種(系)在平均相似度0.12時分爲三大群。大多數的臺灣品種(系)及來自印度、印尼、菲律賓等地的品種(系)都分在第一、二兩群。第一群以大片黑系統爲主,第二群則包含和美種(硬骨小葉)、花蒜類及南亞品種。所有來自中國的地方品種群聚在第三群。第三群又分爲兩小群。第一小群包含‘二號’、‘花蒜選’、‘宜蘭白1’、‘北蒜’與中國大陸南方品種(系)。第二小群則爲大陸北方山東、河南地區品種(系)。由此,臺灣栽培之大蒜品種(系)可分成(1)大片黑系統、(2)和美種與花蒜類及(3)宜蘭白蒜等三群;其中和美種及花蒜間有較高相關性。


ISSR (Inter-Simple sequence repeat) markers were used to analyze the genetic relationships of 46 garlic accessions from various sources of collections. Appropriate annealing temperatures of the primers and the PCR cycles were tested first. Thirty seven polymorphic markers were generated by 9 UBC primers and were used to assess the genetic similarity among garlic clones. The cluster analysis grouped these garlics at the average similarity of 0.12 into three groups. Group 1 and 2 covered most of the Taiwan growing clones and a few clones from Indonesia, India, and the Philippines. The Large Black Leaf type formed Group 1. He-Mei (Small Black Leaf type), bolting type and subtropical type constituted Group 2, the largest group. All Chinese cultivars of garlics were included in Group 3 which could be further divided into 2 sub-groups. 'Yi-Lan White' and clones from southern China made one sub-group; and accessions from northern China another sub-group. For garlic varieties grown in Taiwan, there were three distinguishable types: (1) Large Black Leaf type, (2) He-Mei type and Bolting (Flowering) type, and (3) Yi-Lan White type. He-Mei type and Bolting type had higher genetic similarity.
