  • 期刊


The Genetic Variation of Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides in Taiwan Revealed by RAPD Analysis


本研究以逢機增幅多型性DNA方法(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)分析臺灣北部不同棲地之豔紅鹿子百合間的遺傳變異關係,豔紅鹿子百合樣品來源分別採自基隆巿槓子寮、新北市平溪區嶺腳寮及新北市三峽區五寮山,並以滇百合(Lilium bakerianum Coll.)為外群,共83個樣品進行群叢分析。由100個逢機引子中經篩選後得30個有效引子具多型性及再現性,經聚合酶鏈反應及電泳分析後,可產生211條帶,平均一個引子可以產生7.1條帶,條帶分子量多介於200 bp及2,000 bp間。將多型性條帶資料經群叢分析後所繪出之樹狀圖可將供試之樣品分為四群,第一群之樣品來源皆為基隆市槓子寮地區;第二群樣品來源亦皆為基隆市槓仔寮地區,但樣品數只有3;第三群之樣品來源則為基隆市槓仔寮地區、三峽區五寮山地區及新北市平溪區嶺腳寮區域,且以平溪區嶺腳寮區域之樣品數最多,佔此群之73%,而基隆市槓子寮地區之樣品數為最少,佔此群之6%;第四群之樣品來源為新北市平溪區嶺腳寮區域及三峽區五寮山地區,若依遺傳距離將此群再分為兩小群,則可將兩地區之樣品明顯區分,其中一小群全為平溪區嶺腳寮區域,另一小群之三峽區五寮山地區樣品比例則達94%。群叢分析結果中之第三及第四群之樣品來源分散於各採集地中,推測與種子傳播能力或更新機制有關,故導致族群間有交雜之情形,為值得進一步探討之課題,樣品來源地區間所存在之遺傳變異,可供豔紅鹿子百合進行復育策略執行之參考。


In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) markers were used to characterize the genetic variation and the phylogenetic relationships of Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Baker. In different habitats of northern Taiwan. The samples were collected from Keelung, Pingshi, and Sanshia. Lilium bakerianum Coll. was used as the outer group. Out of 100 screened primers, 30 primers generated reproducible and polymorphic fragments of 83 individuals which generated 211 RAPD bands with an average of 7.1 bands per primer and the size between 200 and 2000 bp. Cluster analysis by UPGMA grouped 83 samples into four groups. The first group was all from Gangziliao in Keelung. The second group was also from Keelung but there were only 3 samples. The third group included samples of Gangziliao in Keelung, Mt.Wuliaojian in Sanxia District, and Lingjiaoliao in Pingsi which accounted largest samples for 73% of this group from Pingsi in contrast with 6% samples of this group in Keelung area. The fourth group contained samples from Lingjiaoliao in Pingsi and Mt. Wuliaojian in Sanxia District and could be further divided into 2 subgroups. One of the subgroups was all collected from Lingjiaoliao in Pingsi and 94% of the total samples of another subgroup were collected from Mt. Wuliaojian in Sanxia District. The samples of the third and fourth group dispersed in each collection site and inferred from seed dispersal ability or seedling renew mechanism, which made them be clustered in same subgroups. The results may provide the information for breeding and conservation programs.
