



繼發性不孕 腎虛 肝鬱 痰濕 血瘀


Infertility is a common gynecological problem seen in the clinic. Infertility can be classified into primary infertility, secondary infertility, congenital infertility, and acquired infertility. The most commonly seen patterns in the clinic are kidney vacuity; liver depression; damp heat; and blood stasis, while the main mechanisms are organ dysfunction, and inability of the uterus to successfully maintain fertilization and implantation of the ovum. The main focus of pattern identification is to carefully discern the location of the disease, whether located in the organs, the chong and ren, or the uterus. Furthermore it is important to identify changes in the condition of qi and blood, heat and cold, and vacuity and repletion, as well as clearly discern whether the disease factors of phlegm dampness and blood stasis are involved in the pathomechanism. Combining this information we can then correctly identify the disease and decide on treatment. The major treatment principle being ”regulating the menses and planting seeds” while attaching special importance on supplementing the kidney to assist conception. At the same time we need to grasp the importance of both taking care of the emotions and the period of the mixing of yin and yang.


  • 劉桂蘭(2009)。不孕症的治療中醫婦科醫學雜誌(12),52-53。https://doi.org/10.30030/JTCGM.200906.0012
  • 徐明義(2007)。不孕症概論中醫婦科醫學雜誌(8),17-28。https://doi.org/10.30030/JTCGM.200702.0003
  • 余珠琴(2008)。不孕症之探討中醫婦科醫學雜誌(10),57-60。https://doi.org/10.30030/JTCGM.200802.0011
  • 藍國忠(2006)。淺談不孕症中華民國內膜異位症婦女協會會刊13(12),4-5。https://doi.org/10.6498/EA.2006.13(12).3
  • 曹健玲(2006)。Willingness to Pay for Infertility Treatment〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0007-1704200715050008
