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Effects of Progressive Interval Training on Health-related Physical Fitness in Karate Kumite Players




Introduction: The duration of a Kumite bout is 3 minutes for men and 2 minutes for women. The energy system is mixed anaerobic and aerobic. Adequate fitness is the basis for excellent sports performance. Interval training is one of the most efficient training programs. Progressive interval training can mimic the energetic system used in Kumite competition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of progressive interval training on health-related physical fitness in karate Kumite players. Methods: The subjects were 24 college karate Kumite players. The intensity of the training baseline was determined by a 30-second Wingate anaerobic power test. And the high intensity of protocol was set as 50%, 60%, and 70% of baseline; low intensity was 25% of baseline. A set was gone at high intensity for 10-second and then low intensity for 20-second. The sets were repeated 6 times (3-minute). The training session was gone for 5-set and 3-minutes for recovery between each set. All the session was gone within 8-week and 3-time for each week. The health-related physical fitness included standing long jump, 30-second sit-up, 60-second sit-up, and Harvard step test. Results: There was a significant increase between pre-and post-test on standing long jump, 30-second sit-up, and 60-second sit-up (p<.05). Conclusion: 8 weeks of progressive interval training increased the lower extremity muscle power and abdominal muscle strength and endurance in karate Kumite players, but there was no significant difference for the aerobic capacity.


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