  • 期刊


The New Institution of the Government Gazette System


資訊公開制度是民主政治中不可或缺的機制,對於民眾的公共參與以及經濟社會的運作極為重要,公報制度則是資訊公開機制中關鍵性的一環。過去公報制度缺乏整合,使得機關間公報發行形式、頻率、公告流程以及電子化程度均有所不足,無法滿足社會對於資訊公開的需求。新公報制度面對這些缺失進行完善規劃,使得政府藉由公報制度得以將政府訊息與民間有效連結。 本文分析美國、英國與日本等先進國家公報制度的運行,以這些國家為參照檢視舊公報制度的缺失。面對這些缺失,本文除了分析新公報制度推動策略及其詳細內容;並透過學術理論,更宏觀的檢視公報制度改革背後所代表的意義。 新公報制度推動建立在四項策略上,分別是建立統一公報制度、訂定公報刊登事項、建置電子公報系統及單一化查詢窗口。這些策略整合過去機關公報發行形式、頻率以及公告流程,透過單一的行政院公報給予民眾及企業及時資訊。透過EP同步及電子公報系統及連結,符合資訊化的潮流。本文認為新公報制度推動的意義在於:1.擴大資訊公開、2.落實公共參與、3.強化顧客導向、4.提高行政效能以及5.建立法令公定力等五項重要的意義。特別是在政府持續改革的過程中,公報制度雖然是其中一個環節,卻能透過資訊公開、公共參與、顧客導向等機制,為整體的政府改革工程奠基。


The institution of information openness is an indispensable mechanism in democratic politics, and a well-designed gazette system is the first step to achieve this objective of information openness. Prior to 2004, every ministry published an official journal by itself. Either the distribution method or the content format differed in each agency. The public information was published redundantly and not obtained handily. To solve these problems, Government proposed the ”Government Gazette System Promotion Plan” to set up a new Gazette system. Compared with the government gazette system in United States, United Kingdom, and Japan, this paper reviews the problems of Taiwan's government gazette system. Facing these problems, the paper discuses the promoting strategies and policy contents of original gazette system. Then, the paper analyzes the meaning of the gazette system reform. New Gazette Service integrities all government gazette in one system, and divides published content into 9 main categories. Furthermore, Both the hardcopy and electronic version of the Gazette are published daily. The electronic one includes both PDF and HTML formats. Free inquiry and download services are also provided. The paper emphasized the six meaning of promoting new gazette system: 1. Expanding the institution of information openness, 2. Enforcing public participation, 3. Strengthening customer orientation, 4. Constructing executive efficiency, 5. Building De facto force. Through the mechanisms of information openness, public participation and customer orientation, new gazette system accumulates the capacity of Taiwan's government reform.



