  • 期刊


The Evolution of UK Executive's Public Service Agreements (PSAs) Regime


英國首相布萊爾〈Tony Blair〉在1997年建立「新工黨」政權後,積極貫徹其「第三條路」的政策方針,他以追求「最佳價值」〈Best Value〉的公共服務理念,改革前政府強調強制競標、市場機制的治理模式。在行政績效管理上,勵行「綜合性歲出審查/公共服務協議(CSR/PSAs)」制度,改變過去政府只注重如何把預算、人力、政策等投入到公共服務裹的情形,而強調每項政策「具有什麼樣的效果?」並結合預算制度,將公共支出用在最能達到「公共利益」的政策選項和執行上。該制度自1998年實施以來,政策品質的監控已獲得相當改善,但外界對工黨的政府績效管理,亦多有負面評價,如:公共服務協議制度的激勵誘因不足;當政策優先順序之設定涉及部門間預算分配的利益時,則整體績效表現有限;常為了避免或轉移外界責難,讓政策的目標不斷改變、錯誤頻傳。因此,PSAs所謂的「績效目標」,被質疑僅是一種「極小化的服務保言登」而已。


”The Third Way” strategy has been a major ruling principle of Tony Blair's New labour government since 1997. Consists in this strategy, the UK executive has developed a regime of Public Service Agreements (PSAs) as a tool of governance. The tool has altered the former government's governance model of market-orientation to a ”best value” mechanism. The PSAs regime incorporates ministerial responsibility for performance in the allocation of expenditure which as incentives to pursuit of customers' maximum value in every public activity. However, the aims of PSA's regime designers have only been partially met. On the one hand, departmental performance and targets monitoring have been improved since 1998. On the other hand, departments' use of blame avoidance strategies, the weakness of direct incentive effects in practice and the targets have changed frequently are considerably subverting the aspirations for the PSAs system. Targets then have increasingly been seen as minimum pledges of performance rather than tools for improving performance.
