  • 期刊


Effects of Semantic Coherence and Aging on Scene Construction: A Preliminary Study


目的:記憶能力隨著年齡的增加而逐漸下降,而場景建構能力對於記憶至關重要,在建構場景過程中部件/主體與背景之語意一致性對於所涉及的心理歷程有所影響。近期研究發現一敏感於內側顳葉、特別是在主體與背景的場景建構上之認知現象,稱為場景邊緣擴張(boundary extension, BE),其測量方式多為呈現語意一致刺激後,透過延宕繪圖與再認作業觀察BE現象。BE現象的產生易受到語意知識的影響,當刺激本身為高度單元化材料時,個體更容易將自身的語意知識加入刺激中,使得更容易發生來源監控錯誤,導致錯誤記憶產生,因此在場景建構時更容易產生BE現象。然而過去多以語意一致刺激進行測量老化影響,較少針對刺激主體與背景之間一致性能否調解老年人之記憶功能,故希望透過BE現象來探討語意一致性與老化之間的差異。方法:本研究利用BE探討年輕成人與老年人場景建購能力,共收集49受試者,年輕組有28名,平均年齡為20.96±1.26歲;中老年組有21名,平均年齡為64.95±4.96歲。所有的受試者皆參與BE研究、基本神經心理測驗評估,並在BE研究之學習階段,加入眼動儀監測來觀察其基模對視覺搜尋影響。結果:在延宕繪圖作業中,年輕組與中老年組之間在語意一致刺激呈現下,BE表現無顯著差異,但在語意不一致刺激呈現下,中老年組在BE表現較明顯(p < .05),且中老年組語意不一致刺激相較於語意一致刺激其BE表現也較明顯(p < .05)。在再認作業下,中老年組與年輕組在不同再認情境之取景距離皆無顯著差異。注視時間在不同組別與不同語意刺激上皆無顯著差異。結論:整體來說,語意不一致刺激可能更容易觸及正常老年人場景建構之能力,導致BE現象更明顯,雖再認作業表現上無顯著差異,可能因提供刺激圖片而產生了物體典型距離。未來需在患有老化相關腦部疾病族群驗證BE做為鑑別正常與異常(如阿茲海默病)認知老化工具的可能性。


Purposes: Memory often gradually decreases with ageing. Previous researchers have proposed that scene construction is essential for memory. Semantic coherence of scene components/subjects and background has an impact on the psychological processes involved in scene construction. Recent research has found a cognitive phenomenon sensitive to the medial temporal lobe, especially in subject and background scene construction, called boundary extension (BE); its measurement method is mostly to present semantically consistent stimuli, and then to observe the BE phenomenon through Delayed Drawing and Delayed Generation. The occurrence of BE phenomenon is easily affected by semantic knowledge. When the stimulus itself is a highly unitized material, it is easier for the participant to add their own semantic knowledge to the stimulus, which makes it easier for source monitoring errors to occur, leading to false memories and the tendency for the BE phenomenon to occur during scene construction. However, in the past, semantically coherent stimuli were used to measure the effects of aging, and were less focused on whether the consistency between the stimulus and the background can mediate the memory function of the elderly. Therefore, we hope to explore the difference between semantic consistency and aging through the BE phenomenon. Methods: This study used BE to explore the ability of scene construction among young adults (YA) and elderly individuals (OA). The stimuli of the BE tasks included semantic coherent (CO) and semantic incoherent (INCO) scenes. Forty-nine subjects comprising a group of 28 YA (mean age = 20.96 ± 1.26 years) and a group of 21 OA (mean age = 64.95 ± 4.96 years) were recruited. All subjects received tasks assessing BE and background neuropsychological functions. Eye movements were recorded while the participants were undertaking the learning stage of the BE tasks to observe the impact of their schema on visual search. Results: In Delayed Drawing, no significant difference in BE performance between the YA and OA groups on the recall of CO scenes was observed. In contrast, the OA exhibited higher levels of BE (p < .05) on the recall of INCO scenes. And OA exhibited higher levels of BE (p < .05) for INCO scenes as compared to CO scenes. In Delayed Generation, the OA and YA has no significant difference in the scene distance between the different generation situations. There was no significant difference in the visual fixation distributions between the groups while learning either type of stimuli. Conclusions: Semantic incoherent scenes may require higher degrees of scene construction than their coherent counterparts among individuals with normal ageing, leading to higher levels of BE. Although there is no significant difference in the Delayed Generation, the physical distance of the object may be generated due to the provision of stimulating pictures. Further assessing the possibilities of using BE as a tool to distinguish normal and abnormal (such as Alzheimer's disease) cognitive aging among individuals suffering from age-related brain diseases is merited.


Aging Boundary Extension Schema Attention regulation


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國家發展委員會(2018)。中華民國2018 至2065 年人口推估。台北市: 國家發展委員會。
