  • 期刊


Associations between Institutional Ownership and Health Literacy of Visiting Counselors in Taiwan's Family Childcare Service Centers - the Mediating Effects of Organizational Commitment and Culture




Objectives: To explore the ownership, the perception regarding organizational commitment and culture on the health literacy (HL) of appointed visiting counselors in the Family Childcare Service Centers in Taiwan. Methods: The data was collected from the survey taken by appointed visiting counselors who attended the "2018 On-the-Job Training for Counselors of Family Childcare Service Centers in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan". With a total of 254 responses, the survey also included the measurement of the perception regarding organizational commitment and culture of these counselors towards these centers, as well as their HL accompanied with professional validity. The structural equation modeling was used to analyze the path relationship of HL of the counselor and associated factors. Results: A nine-item HL scale was constructed with good reliability. The average HL of respondents was 35.2 (standard deviation "[SD]" = 7.3) on a scale of 50. The score for communicative/ interactive HL was the highest (average = 37.6, SD = 7.64), followed by basic/functional HL (average = 34.4, SD = 8.99), and critical HL (average = 33.4, SD = 8.90), which was lower. Organizational commitment and culture had positive effects on the HL of counselors (standardized coefficients, b, were 0.157 and 0.178). The counselors in the not-for-profit foundations had higher levels of organizational commitment and culture (b = 0.127 and 0.169) than those who are employed by schools, which indirectly associated with higher HL (indirect effects = 0.020, 0.030). Conclusions: HL should be recognized as one of the professional abilities of counselors. If the effects of organizational commitment and culture were omitted, the associations between organizational ownership and HL of the visiting counselors would be overlooked. The results of this study also provide an understanding on the different institutions' ownership to learn from each other, so that visiting counselors of family childcare services can accommodate high and equivalent levels of HL.


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