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A Study of the Effects of the Increase in Sphere on the Training and Instruction of the Table Tennis


西元2000年之後,桌球的球體從直徑38 mm增大到40 mm,因應球體增大,已見眾多和訓練指導相關的文獻發表。本文探討文獻傳達訓練指導概念,訓練指導概念之面貌,以及利於桌球教練應用之層面。為了深入理解以上概念,首先探討球體增大的文獻,接著參照知識樹方法析論文獻的內容,最後再對訓練指導概念作綜合探討,綜合以上文獻資料指出幾點結論與建議:一、廣泛引用球體增大後的物理學和運動學變數,以定量分析結果來為論述及推論桌球運動訓練指導概念,多為直觀推論,不足以傳達文獻中的訓練指導概念之正確性。二、文獻呈現出形上學不夠深入,方法學太過狹窄,論理學廣度不足,若將文獻中的訓練指導概念應用到實務值得再考究。三、在訓練指導概念上,主要傳達訓練上應加強肌力、爆發力訓練;加強相持能力;培養全面性打法等訓練指導概念。四、建議多採用實驗法、測驗法、調查法來探索球體增大後的桌球訓練指導概念;以培訓的球員作驗證為檢視學者提示的訓練指導概念是否適合應用在實務中的最佳途徑;上下層級學校的桌球教練之間應該不斷研討再研討,因應球體增大而建立共通的訓練指導概念,以提升桌球運動技能與水準。


After 2000 AD, the diameter of the table tennis increased from 38 mm to 40 mm. There have been a great number of studies related to the training and instruction adjusted according to the increase in sphere. This study aimed to investigate what instruction concepts the previous studies had provided, then what facets these concepts presented, and whether these concepts were practicable for the coaches in the training of the table tennis. In order to understand the above questions deeply, this study first explored the previous studies on the increase of the sphere. In addition, it analyzed the contents of these studies based on the knowledge tree. Finally, the study synthesized these concepts of training and instruction to provide some conclusions and suggestions as follows. First, when physics and kinematics parameter were applied extensively after the increase of the sphere, these concepts described and inferred on the basis of quantitative analysis was mostly Intuition Inferences, which was not correct enough to convey the exactness of the concepts of training and instruction in these studies. Second, the previous studies showed superficial aspects in Metaphysics, narrow aspects in the Methodology, and insufficient scopes in Logic. It deserved a second thought on whether these concepts should be applied to the training practice. Third, the concepts revealed in the previous studies mainly recommended to enforce muscular strength, explosive force training, and persistence ability, and to strengthen an overall capability of playing table tennis. Forth, this study suggested adopting more experimental, verification, and investigation methods to explore the concepts of training and instruction. Verifying whether the theoretical concepts provided by the scholars were practicable by training the players in practice was the best way. Moreover, the table tennis coaches from all levels of schools should constantly keep discussing over this issue in order to set up a universal concepts of training and instruction according to the increase of the sphere. Hence, it is expected that the skills and standard of the table tennis will be promoted.


Table tennis sphere rule sport training


