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Applying System Thinking on Risk Assessment and Abatement Planning for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions


近年來揮發性有機物之排放管制已成為各級環保單位的工作重點之一,然而過去各級環保單位所推動之固定污染源排放揮發性有機物之輔導改善工作,由於較缺乏整體系統的觀點,因此對其污染排放量調查、風險評估、及改善策略規劃等,較難以完整有效的進行。因此本研究之目的在於以系統思維(Systems Thinking)並結合結果管理(Managing for Results, MFR)的方法,發展一套揮發性有機物排放之風險評估與減量規劃之方法論。本研究首先以系統思維的方法,界定工廠及其排放揮發性有機物所影響之區域為整個系統範圍,而工廠為其中的子系統。在進行污染量調查分析時,工廠同時也被視為一個系統,然後界定其製程、原物料等組成及交互影響作用,以有效掌握工廠完整詳盡的排放量;本研究進行風險評估時,乃是以整個環境區域為系統範圍,而組成包括所有工廠(污染源)及居民(受體)等,依據工廠之排放量而模擬區域內各敏感點之空氣品質,進而評估此空氣品質下居民的污染暴露量以及對民眾健康產生衝擊之風險;再依此評估結果,結合結果管理的方法,訂定工廠之改善目標;而後以系統思維的方法,分析可對哪些污染來源及污染量進行削減,以訂定可達成改善目標的策略與行動計畫。本研究以新竹縣輪胎製造業之甲工廠為案例研究對象,研究結果顯示,因為工廠複雜的製程與原物料關係而致過去管制方法未能完整掌握之排放量,經過本研究之系統化分析後已可完整獲得,進而研擬出完整考量下的改善策略及行動計畫,包括處理方法、時程、所需成本及資源等。綜合以上對於規劃階段的研究成果顯示,本研究結合系統思維與結果管理所發展的揮發性有機物排放之風險評估與減量規劃之方法論,應該可以協助主管機關提升固定污染源管理之成效。


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) control has become an important task for the environmental protection authorities. Because the current control tasks lack the concept of system, emission investigation, risk assessment, and abatement strategies planning can not effectively integrated. The purpose of this study is to apply Systems Thinking combined with Managing for Results to develop a methodology on risk assessment and abatement planning for VOCs emissions. Based on Systems Thinking, this study identifies the area which was influenced by the VOCs emissions of the factory as boundaries of the system, and the factory is identified as the subsystem. The factory can be also thought as an integral system during the investigation for VOCs emissions. The components and the interactions of process and material are then identified to obtain the complete emission quantity of the factory. During risk assessment, all of the factories and the residents are identified as components. This study simulates the air quality in each sensitive location of the area caused by the emissions of the factories. Exposures and risk on the health of the residents are estimated by the simulated air quality. Based on the assessed results, this study uses Managing for Results to identify the objectives of emission abatement. The abatement strategies and action plans are then generated using the analytical results of VOC emissions by Systems Thinking. A tire-manufacturing factory in Hsinchu County was used as a case study. The analytical results indicate that the VOC emissions which were not completely considered because of the complicated relationships between manufacturing process and materials have been obtained in this study through the systematical procedure. The strategies and action plans, including the treatment methods, schedule, required cost and resources, are generated based on the complete VOC emissions. The methodology developed in this study can be used to assist the authorities for risk assessment and abatement planning for VOCs emissions.
