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Comparative Analysis of Tourism Expenditure inbound between Taiwan Strait Based on Factor Decomposition Method




This article compares resident tourism expenditures inbound in Taiwan and China, based on an analysis of Factor Decomposition Method. In this study resident tourism expenditures inbound is decomposed by four quantifiable factors, namely the GDP, ratio of disposable income to GDP consumption propensity and marginal consumption propensity of tourist. Analysis results show that the average tourism expenditures inbound per resident in Taiwan during 1995-2010 were four times as great as that of China ,the total tourism expenditures inbound in China were 13 times as great as that of Taiwan . 2010 the tourism expenditure elasticity of GDP in Taiwan was 0.778 and 0.556 in China. In 2010 the total resident tourism expenditures inbound of China reached at 2.83% of GDP, and Taiwan at 1.45%. This demonstrates that the growth of GDP was the first driving wheel promoting tourism expenditures and the ratio of GDP and disposable stood second forces. This paper contains three contents: Factor Decomposition Identity of tourism expenditures, Estimating Approach and Comparative Analysis.
