  • 期刊
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A Study on Right to Defense of Defendants with Intellectual Disability


本文旨在以經內國法化之身心障礙者權利公約(CRPD公約)做為橋樑,探討我國現行刑事司法制度中,有關智能障礙者以被告身分參與刑事司法程序之權利保障規定,並特別著重辯護權平等落實以及國家應提供之合理措施(reasonable accommodation)之檢討。再者,本文將介紹智能障礙及其弱勢被告身分,說明如何建構合理措施使其不因智能障礙而於司法程序遭受歧視,並針對辯護人應如何協助強化為智能障礙被告實質有效辯護提出建議以及未來國家施政展望。


This article aims to discuss the right to defense of defendants with intellectual disability. Firstly, it describes the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Taiwan, and utilizes it as a bridge to connect and compare the criminal procedure laws and its practices in Taiwan and international standards. It further focuses on the introduction of reasonable accommodations which helps fulfill equal right to defense of persons with intellectual disability and aims to eliminate discrimination against intellectual disability. Moreover, it provides solid suggestions to defense lawyer on facilitation of substantial and effective defense. To sum, it urges the government to reinforce inter-ministry coordination and welcome cooperation with private sectors.
