  • 期刊


Occupational Exposure Assessment of PCDD/Fs for Workers in Bottom Ash Treatment Plant


本研究旨在了解底渣處理業勞工血液多氯戴奧辛/呋喃(Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, PCDD/Fs)濃度與作業環境空氣暴露及勞工健康指標之相關性。選取國內一座底渣處理廠共36位勞工爲研究對象,進行血液中PCDD/Fs濃度及生化荷爾蒙指標分析,同時輔以健康、飲食問卷及時間-活動模式調查。亦選取廠內底渣儲存區與生產線區共2處爲採樣點,進行作業環境空氣中PCDD/Fs含量採樣分析。結果顯示,底渣儲存區及生產線區空氣中PCDD/Fs總濃度分別爲0.252及0.350Pg I-TEQ/Nm^3,固相戴奧辛濃度均高於氣相(88.4%、v.s 11.4%),且均以OCDD、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF及OCDF爲主要污染物。依36位勞工血清中PCDD/Fs濃度之中位數(8.83 pg WHO98-TEQ(下标 DF)/g linid)區分爲高、低濃度組後,高濃度組血清中PCDD/Fs濃度顯著高於低濃度組,分別爲12.3及7.20 Pg WHO98-TEQ(下标 DF)/g linid、兩組在17種PCDD/Fs同源物之分布均以OCDD、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD、11,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF爲主要污染物,並與作業環境空氣分布相似。再與附近焚化廠周邊背景居民比較,發現兩組勞工血液中戴奧辛之1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF之貢獻均高於背景居民,與空氣中PCDD/Fs同源物分布一致,顯示廠內勞工可能由空氣途徑暴露到戴奧辛。高、低濃度組勞工之生化及荷爾蒙含量異常率均未達顯著差異。勞工血液中PCDD/Fs濃度之影響因子解析顯示,年齡與勞工總年資爲勞工血液中PCDD/Fs濃度之主要影響因子。底渣處理廠勞工之PCDD/Fs暴露可能和作業環境有關,目前勞工血中PCDD/Fs濃度雖低,但因PCDD/FS爲長期累積性物質,仍宜要求勞工佩戴適當之呼吸防護具,以降低職場暴露,確保勞工之健康。


The objectives of this study were to investigate the health effects of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) exposure and to investigate associations between environmental exposure in bottom ash treatment plants and the serum PCDD/Fs of workers. For this study, 36 workers were recruited from a bottom ash treatment plant, and their serum PCDD/Fs levels, blood biochemistry, and hormones examination indices were determined. At the same time, their personal exposure data and time activity pattern were collected with questionnaires. Levels of airborne PCDD/Fs in the bottom ash storage area and treatment area were measured at 0.252 and 0.350 pg I-TEQ/Nm^3, respectively. Particle bound PCDD/Fs levels were higher than gaseous PCDD/Fs in the bottom ash storage and treatment areas. OCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF, and OCDF were the main congeners. The 36 workers were sorted into high and low level groups based on their mean serum PCDD/Fs level. The serum PCDD/Fs levels were 12.3 and 7.20 pg WHO98-TEQ(subscript DF)/g lipid in the high and low level groups respectively. OCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF were the major congeners in the high-level group, and the congener pattern was the same as for the airborne PCDD/Fs. There were no statistically significant differences in the blood biochemistry and hormone examinations between the two groups. The regression data showed that serum PCDD/Fs were highly correlated with seniority and age. Thus, the senior workers may have been exposed to higher levels of PCDD/Fs emitted from bottom ash treatment processes. The usage of personal protective measures was suggested to reduce exposure to PCDD/Fs.


Bottom ash treatment plants PCDD/Fs Airborne Serum


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