  • 期刊


Design of a Guided Mobile Image Transmitter


本研究之目的是當發生工安事件時,如半導體廠發生毒氣外洩等危害,在救難人員尚未到達或無法進入危害現場時,讓機器人先進入災害現場,並且利用機械視覺系統,將危害現場畫面傳給遠端監控系統,讓安全人員可以透過電腦螢幕知道災害現場的實際情形,並且利用機器手臂在必要時觸動緊急安全開關。 機器視覺是由彩色CCD攝影畫面,再利用無線影像傳接器傳送畫面至影像擷取卡,將影像由VB程式顯示於遠端監控電腦,經由所設計的VB程式辨別紅色緊急開關的形狀及位置。機器人以四輪自走車為主體,使用兩顆直流伺服馬達來帶動前進、後退、左右轉彎,同時配合驅動器與控制器,由無線數據機自遠端主控電腦送指令給控制器,以教導式VB程式來執行自走車之動態行為。


The objective of this research is to develop a guided mobile robot that will investigate dangerous environments before rescuers arrive. When an accident occurs, the robot is guided remotely to the scene along a path determined by the central computer. With the aid of its sensor and machine vision system, the robot will then pass information about the accident to the central computer and people on duty so that they can assemble a suitable rescue plan. This research develops and integrates the path learning of the mobile robot, the remote control technology, sensing and programming, and the electro-mechanical system. Finally, actual implementation of the guided mobile robot is performed.


Guided mobile robot Machine vision Sensor


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Man-machine interface of the calculator in the future
