  • 期刊


The Seasonal Successional Investigation of Culicoides spp. in Cattle Farms of Pintung Ditrict, Taiwan


從民國80年9月起至85年6月止,在屏東縣選定三個環境不同的牛場,分別從事庫蠓(Culicoides)的季節消長調查。於每一試驗場均進行一年的採集調查,每場進行50次的採集。調查方法是以紫外線誘蟲燈一盞吊掛於牛舍內誘集叮咬牛隻的庫蠓。結果A場捕獲庫蠓的總數是79,765隻、B場是51,218隻、C場是11,939隻。經分類鑑定結果共有11種庫蠓被採集到;其中以嗜牛庫蠓(C. oxystoma)是最優勢的品種,佔A場總蠓數的40.9%、B場的99.6%、C場的99.1%;日本庫蠓(C. nipponensis)為第二優勢的品種,但僅在A場大量捕獲,佔A場總蠓數的58.7%,而在B、C二場都只是少數採集到。至於庫蠓在牛舍的季節消長情形,是以每年5至10月間所採集到的庫蠓數約佔全年採集總量的90%,而11月到次年的4月則是庫蠓稀少時期。此結果和當地每年5到10月間的月平均溫在25℃以上,以及11月到次年4月的月平均溫在25℃以下的氣候因素有明顯的相關性。再由牛場週圍環境的不同及降雨也會影響庫蠓的誘集數,因而証實環境、氣溫、降雨三個因子會共同影響牛場庫蠓之季節消長。本報告是本省牛舍庫蠓出沒品種與季節消長調查的首次報告。


The seasonal succession of Culicoides were investigated in three cattle farms located in Pintung district of Taiwan. The investigation were respectively conducted in three different farms in three registered period, between September of 1991 and June of 1996. The light trap was used for collection of Culicoides in arms. Fifty collections were conducted in each farm within one year. Sum of collected Culicoidies was 79,765 species in farm-A, 51,218 species in farm-B and 11,939 species in farm-C in the registered year. The C. oxystoma and C. nipponensis consisted the major population in collected pool. The C. oxystoma was comprised 40.9% in farm-A, 99.6% in farm-B and 99.1% in farm-C. Another C. nipponensis was only comprised 58.7% in farm-A, but it was few number in other two farms. The seasonal succession of Culicoides was found in our investigation. The almost 90% specimen was collected from May to October in time when the monthly mean of temperature was above 25℃. The other time of year was lower temperature that few number of specimen was collected. According to investigation, the changes of surroundings were also influenced the distribution of Culicoides in different farm. From the results, we concluded that the seasonal fluctuation of the Culicoides were associated with the temperature, rains and the enviromental changes. This is the first report of seasonal succession of Culicoides in cattle farms in Taiwan.


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