  • 期刊


Transplantation of Schwann Cells Plus Stimulation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Can Promote Axonal Regeneration in the Damaged Rat Spinal Cord


本實驗的目的為探討移植許旺氏細胞(Schwann cells);並合併脈衝電磁場刺激是否可以促進受損脊髓軸突的再生能力。在實驗分組方面,經第八胸髓橫斷手術後不作其他處理者為SeC組,術後隔日給予脈衝電磁場刺激者為SeE組,於術區移植純化後的Schwann cells為TpC組,於術區移植細胞並合併電磁場刺激者為TpE組。脈衝電磁場刺激的強度為25 gauss/60 Hz,每日刺激6小時為期4個月。實驗結果顯示,在步態分析中,TpE組無論在後肢使用的比例與評分上,都獲得顯著的最高分。而使用BBB score作為大鼠後肢運動功能恢復程度的評估標準時,TpE組在第4個月可得到12.2±2.8的最高分,表示其後肢功能恢復程度最佳。而利用anti-serotonin抗體進行免疫化學染色,以評估縫核脊髓徑的再生反應時,TpE組的serotonin axons不但可以完全穿越T(下標 8),橫斷區到達T(下標 9),並可往後端生長至T(下標 13)處,為四組中軸突再生情況最佳者。而在神經軸突逆向與順向追蹤試驗中,TpE組可在大腦的運動皮質區(motor cortex)、中腦紅核處(Red N.)、髓腦的網狀結構區(reticular formation)、前庭核(Vestibular N .)與縫核處(Raphe N.),以及第十三胸髓處觀察到自Fluorogold所標定的神經元或軸突,更進一步輔證了TpE組的脊髓軸突再生程度為四組中最好的。綜合以上實驗結果,移植許旺氏細胞;並合併脈衝電磁場刺激確實可幫助大鼠受損的脊髓軸突再生,較單獨移植Schwann cells或單獨以電磁場刺激來得更有效果。


The objective of this study was to investigate whether transplantation of Schwann cells plus pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) stimulation can further promote axonal regeneration in the damaged rat spinal cord. Rats used in this experiment were randomly allocated into following four groups: T(subscript 8) transection only (SeC) , transection with PEMF exposure (SeE), transection with transplantation of Schwann cells (TpC), or transected with transplantation and PEMF exposure (TpE). PEMF exposure was at 25 Gauss, 60 Hz for 6 hours per day for 4 months. The results of gait anaylsis showed that the percentage of using hindlimb in TpE group was the highest one among four groups (P < 0.05, ANOVA). The recovery of movement of hindlimb was appraised by BBB score and the group of TpE got the highest score (12.2±2.8) which meant that functional recovery of hindlimb of the TpE group was the best among the four groups. The regenerate response of raphe-spinal tract was evaluated by immunostaining of anti-serotonin antibody. The serotoninergic axons of TpE group could cross the T(subscript 8) transection area and even reached T(subscript 13) level. It was the best among four groups. By anterogade and retrograde tracing studies, the Fluorogold labeled neurons or axons were present in the motor cortex of the brain, red nucleus of the midbrain, reticular formation, vestibular nucleus, raphe nucleus and T(subscript 13) in the TpE group which was more splendid than the others In conclusion, transplantation of Schwann cells plus stimulation of pulsed electromagnetic fields can promote further axonal regeneration in the damaged rat spinal cord.
