

本病例為臺中某乳羊場之一頭3週齡半,未離乳之Nubian雄性山羊,因持續下痢1週以上,病羊開始腹痛且不停哀鳴,之後隨即死亡。經病理學檢查,肉眼可見黏膜蒼白,肛門周圍及後腿沾黏深棕色下痢便。剖檢可見消化道自空腸以下所有腸管擴張,腸管內充滿血樣內容物,空腸黏膜面有大量結節增生物。組織病理學檢查可見大量壞死脫落的小腸黏膜上皮細胞,於細胞內及腸管內容物中可觀察到不同時期的球蟲。小腸血樣內容物抹片可見大量紅血球、壞死上皮細胞、球蟲卵囊和裂殖體及細菌等。以革蘭氏染色可見少量長桿菌、鏈球菌等,經厭氧培養及小鼠毒素試驗結果,可排除腸毒血症。直腸糞便檢出每克糞便球蟲卵囊數為82萬顆,經卵囊芽胞化後鑑定為E. christenseni(40%)、E. caprina(30%)、E. arloingi(17%)及E. ninakohlyakimovae(12%)等,建議該場驅球蟲計劃提早於第二週齡起實施。


球蟲症 山羊 哺乳羊


A 3.5-week-old, suckling male Nubian goat kid was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for treatment of persistent diarrhea of 7-day duration. The goat kid manifested abdominal pain with constant vocalization while its condition deteriorated rapidly leading to death before admission to the hospital. On gross postmorten examination, pale mucous membrane was observed. The hind legs and perineal region were smudged with watery dark brown feces. The intestines were distended with large amounts of bloody discharge and cast, except the duodenum. Histopathological examinations revealed denudation of numerous necrotic epithelial cells in small intestines. Different developmental stages of coccidia were found within the crypt epithelium and lumen. The direct smear of mucosal scrapings from small intestines showed numerous erythrocytes, oval oocysts, schizonts and clusters of gram-positive long rods and cocci. Gram-positive rods were anaerobically cultured, followed by mouse assay to detect toxin excluding the possibility of enterotoxemia. The number of oocysts per gram of feces was determined to be 8.2×10^5/gram. Four Eimeria speies were sporulated and identified: E. christenseni(40%), E. caprina(30%), E. arloingi(17%) and E. ninakohlyakimovae(12%). It is suggested that the use of coccidiostats should be introduced during the second week of age in goat kid rearing program for the control of coccidiosis. A definitive diagnosis of coccidiosis in a suckling goat kid was made.


Coccidiosis goat suckling kid
