  • 期刊


The Conservative Treatment of Endometrial Cancer




The majority of cases with endometrial cancer are postmenopausal with approximately 15% of patients accurring in women in premenopausal status. Prior trials largely support the conservative management of early endometrial cancer in women desiring future fertility. Appropriate candidates for conservative treatment are young patients with grade 1 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma, no evidence of myometrial invasion, no evidence of lymph node metastasis, and strong expression of progesterone receptors as well as estrogen receptors. It is important to ensure that patients desiring to proceed with hormonal management are extensively counseled regarding potential risks. Treating with less than the standard of care could potentially result in a young woman dying of a surgically curable disease. Typical surveillance includes endometrial sampling every 3 months. Once childbearing is completed, it is recommended that these women proceed with definitive treatment with hysterectomy.
