  • 期刊


Coping Air Sickness with Psychological Approaches for Student Pllots


就飛行訓練的實務經驗而言,若飛行生出現暈機症的症狀,常會影響其飛行表現,進而導致進度落後或被停飛。但亦有人在逐漸適應中,終於克服不適的症狀而順利完成訓練。因此,若能在訓練之前篩檢出有動暈症傾向者,先輔予心理輔導,或可期提升飛行生的完訓比率。 本研究針對149位空軍官校的準飛行生進行暈機症傾向的篩選,其中92位接受360。飛行模擬器的乘載而實際評量其症狀程度,另有143位參與動暈症問卷的調查,而兩項測量均完成者計有86人。上述兩種方法的測量結果,則以相關係數檢定其顯著水準。 本研究結果支持運用360。飛行模擬器於暈機症篩檢的的可行性。據此,本研究就心理輔導的觀點研擬一套多模式策略,提供飛行生防治暈機症的困擾,期能提昇他們的自我效能和完訓比率。


Introduction. Air sickness is an example of motion sickness and induced by over-stimulating the vestibular system when exposed to the unusual attitude or flight conditions. It appears to be a widespread problem occurring among student pilots. The current study is designed to examine the correlation between the results of using flight simulator and questionnaire for assessing the susceptibility of student pilots. Methods. Ninety-two subjects were screened by operating a 360° flight simulator, and then were assessed for their unpleasant syndromes using Graybiel scales. In addition, 143 subjects were asked to answer a motion sickness questionnaire for evaluating their tendency of episode. Totally 86subjects have gone through both treatments. Results. The consequence of questionnaire showed 56.1 % of subjects ever have the history of vehicle sickness. We also found that the results obtained from two measures correlated significantly (r=0.290, P<.01; r=0.254, P<.05). Conclusion. The consequence evidences the feasibility of using our device to evaluate the syndromes of motion sickness. Based upon the aspect of psychological counseling, we also develop a multi-model strategy to enhance the sense of self-efficacy for sensitive individual as well as the success rate of flight training.
