  • 期刊

Is Aspiration DNA Histogram a Feasible Method for Diagnosing Testicular Spermatogenesis?



睪丸精子生成功能之病理診斷,往往需要利用手術得較多之組織。五人試利用流動細胞圖形儀能分析少量標本之特性,來分析睪丸細針抽取液。17隻大白鼠之兩側睪丸抽取液分別用21號、23號以及26號之空針在局部消毒後抽取其睪丸內容物。抽取液馬上置入細胞培養液中,于4小時內利用 Propidi- um Iodide (PI) 染色後,以流動細胞圖形儀分析。吾人發現以26號空針抽取之34個睪丸抽取液,其中26個可獲得足夠之細胞數以供判讀(>5000個),其成功率為76.5%,23號空針之成功率為88.2%,若以21號空針則成功率可達100%。這些抽取液之去氧核醣核圖形分析發現可見特別之套數分配(單套>雙套>四套),其中單套細胞比例在以細胞培養液收集者為72%。至於置入普通生理食鹽水抽之抽取液,其單套細胞比例則降到62%。此減少可能係因精蟲置于生理食鹽水中逐漸死亡而造成,此差異之 P 值為0.04。該睪丸于一個月後經病理切片發現皆保持正常精子生成功能。此法應可獲得足夠存活之細胞,而其去氧核醣核酸圖型更可正確地評估睪丸之精子生成功能。




It often needs open testicular biopsy to get adequate tissue for daignosis by tradi-tional pathologic technique. Since the advent of flow cytometry, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) histogram can be used to evaluate the spermatogenesis with the advantage of less specimen needed. The DNA histogram of testicular aspirate is performed on testes of 17 male Sprague Dawley rats by needles of three different size, 21G, 23G and 26G. These aspirates are incubated into phosphate bufgfer saline immediately, pro-pidium iodide (PI) staining is done within 4 hours. The success rates of aspiration to get adequate cells for analysis are 100%, 88.2%, and 76.5% by 21G, 23G and 26G needles respectively. The DNA histogram reveals characteristic pattern of normal sper-matogenesis in all of these aspirates. Another 17 specimens aspirated by 21G needle are incubated into normal saline instead. Although all these aspirates can get adequate cells, there is a decrement of the percentage of haploid cell (1C) compartment as compared with those incubated with Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (72.1% vs. 62.7%,P value = 0.04). This may be caused by the gradual death of haploid cells such as spermatid or spermatozoae in normal saline before analysis. These testes are reeval-uated with traditional pathology and DNA histogram one month after the aspiration. Both of them show normal spermatogenesis. In conclusion, WE CONSIDER THE USAGE OF 21G needle for testis aspiration and culture medium incubation is a feasible and safe method for evaluating spermatogenetic function.(J UROL R.O.C., 2:359-364, 1991)


aspiration DNA histogram spermatogenesis
