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Spontaneous Intraperitoneal Rupture of the Urinary Bladder – A Case Report and Review of the Literature



自發性腹膜腔內膀胱破裂在文獻上屬罕見的病例,且大多伴有膀胱壁疾患或下泌尿阻塞。近來文獻上也曾指出”酒精中毒”亦可能成為引發膀胱破裂的一種重要因素,理由是”酒精”破壞了膀胱膨脹時感覺性的傳導,導致膀胱壁的過度膨脹進而破裂,病例在臨床上雖罕見,但一旦延誤治療其致死率則相當高。 本文患者係42歲卡車司機,平日酗酒已達13年,在解尿時突然下復劇痛,經送急診導出100ml咖啡色尿液,但接著演變成上腹劇痛,經放射線膀胱攝影發現有膀胱破裂,隨即施行剖腹探查手術,發現係膀胱破裂至腹膜腔內,但並未發現有其他病變。病患以前未曾有過泌尿系病變,亦未曾有外力的撞擊,患者在接受治療後,經追蹤觀察2年,未曾再復發。




Spontaneous rupture of the urinary bladder is a rare occurrence, according to the urological literature. Most case have been associated with disease of the bladder wall or lower urinary outflow obstruction. Alcohol intoxication has been acknowledged as a possible co-factor of unexplained rupture. It had been suggested that alcohol impairs the sensory appreciation of bladder fullness allowing overdistension. This is a rare occurrence, but nevertheless clinically clinically important, primarily because of a risk of delayed treatment. A 42-Year-old male truck-driver had a 13-year history of alcohol abuse. Lower abdominal pain occurred suddenly while has attempted to void; this was followed by diffuse abdominal tenderness and guarding. Catheterization drained 100 ml of coffee ground urine at admission. Exploration laparotomy was performed under the impression of bladder rupture, as demonstrated on the cystogram; intraperitioneal bladder rupture was found. Past history reviewed neither infection nor urinary system trauma. Two year follow-up showed no recurrence of bladder rupture.


rupture spontaneous bladder
