  • 期刊

Secondary Involvement of the Bladder in Hodgkin's disease: A Case Report and Literature Review

續發性膀胱惡性淋巴瘤(Hodgkin's disease)之病例報告及文獻回顧


二十一歲年輕男性因頻尿,血尿,排尿急迫及疼痛,並有貧血,體重減輕,發燒等症狀至本院就診,經膀胱鏡檢查發現有多處膀胱黏膜下腫瘤,且切片證實為惡性淋巴癌(Hodgkin's disease),進而接受其它檢查確定為第四期(stageIVB)並行化學治療。膀胱續發性腫瘤可因大腸癌直接侵犯或因乳癌,胃癌,及肺癌等遠處轉移造成,而因淋巴癌造成膀胱侵犯亦令泌尿科醫師面臨相同的問題。正因淋巴癌在治療上的進步,提高了存活率及延長緩解期,相對的,一些罕見的併發症亦更形重要,正如我們的病人雖有明顯泌尿道症狀,但仍須小心檢查,方能確定診斷,這正提醒我們淋巴癌侵犯膀胱的例子並非如此少見,因此我們提出一例Hodgkin's disease合併膀胱轉移,對其在臨床上的症狀,診斷的步驟,治療的方法作一討論及文獻的回顧。


A 21-year-old man presented with urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, bloody stool, fever and progressively worsening conditions of anemia and body weight loss. Palpable inguinal lymph nodes were also noted. Cystoscopy revealed multiple submucosal nodules over the trigone and base. Lymph node and bladder biopsies revealed Hodgkin's disease with secondary involvement of bladder. Malignant lymphoma with secondary involvement of bladder is not so rare but poses a unique problem to the urologist. Herein this case is reported, with a review of the clinical picture, staging procedures, histologic classification and treatment modalities of this disease.
