  • 期刊


Study of Cure and Prevention of Low Backaches


本文主要之目的是在探討有關下背痛的原因及治療與預防之方法等,採用文獻分析及透過歸納法,深入淺出的分析。 下背痛最常見發生之處是在第四腰椎和第五腰椎,以及第五腰椎和第一薦椎。人的一生中,發生下背痛此一文明病的機率約60~80%,其發病原因不外乎過度勞損、使力不當、姿勢不良或久坐久站,孕婦因重心前移,背部負擔過重也容易引發痠痛。一般常見的脊椎病變包括退化性關節炎、坐骨神經痛、脊椎管狹窄、椎間盤突出、椎間盤疝脫等,只有極少數爲腫瘤或轉移。至於脊柱周邊組織損傷主要爲肌肉拉傷、韌帶扭傷,常見於勞動工作或運動強度不當造成運動傷害所引起的。以上這些發病原因不容忽視。所以在日常生活中應隨時保持正確姿勢,不論坐臥或工作,不要直接彎腰搬提重物,而應秉持「分段、屈膝、重心降低、就近取物」原則。此外,適度進行柔軟體操全身伸展以及太極拳等運動,鍛鍊肌肉力量及耐力,也可遠離下背痛的威脅。因此,趁著年輕,不妨多加善待脊椎,以免老來飽受病痛折磨。


To discuss the reason and method of cure and prevention of low backaches is the objective of this thesis. This thesis is based on the analysis of literature and inductive method through detail description and explanation to afford the method of cure and prevention for the reference of patient of low backaches. The low backache is always happened at fourth lumbar vertebra and fifth lumbar vertebra, and fifth lumbar vertebra and first sacral vertebra. The occurrence of low backaches has sixty to eighty percentages in the lifetime of human being The reason of occurrence is over-tired, apply force adequately, worse posture or stands/sit long time, and muscle-ache of pregnant woman due to deviation of gravity to induce overload of backbone. The frequent diseases of spinal column include degenerative arthritis, sciatica, narrow spinal column, protrusion of the intervertebral disc, and colic of the intervertebral disc etc. The fewer disease of spinal column is influenced by tumor or metastasis. As the main damages of peripheral organization around spinal column are pull-injuries of muscle and sprain of the ligament that are derived by hard labor or sports damage due to adequate intensity of sports. The previous reason of occurrence cannot be neglect. We must always keep accurate posture in the daily life whether it is in the moment of sitting or standing. We don't bend waist directly to move or lift heavy cargo. We should keep the principle of separate motion, kneel down, gravity downward, taking cargo at nearest place. Besides these notes, the human body should be wholly stretched by appropriate gymnastics or taichichuan to train strength and endurance of muscle and get rid of threaten of low backaches. Hence we must treat spine well in the time of youth to avoid ordeal of disease in old age.


洪光遠譯、Gray A. Yukl原著(1990)。Leadship in Organizations。台北:桂冠圖書股份有限公司。




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