  • 期刊


The Way of English as a Foreign Language Teaching in Taiwan


根據Carter & Nunan (2001) 的定義,因為英語不是台灣主要的溝通語言也不是作為教學的手段,所以,台灣被視為教英語為第二外語。因學測及聯考測驗所需,台灣大部份的老師仍使用傳統式英語教學法。老師較著重文法教學和課文文章之使用,而忽略了語言溝通能力的重要性。為了達到英語教學的真正目地,教育學者們試者加入一些不同的想法來探究學習者的學習過程和老師的英語教學。無可厚非,這些對第二語言的想法和看法讓台灣在英語教學和英語學習上有相當多元的呈現。這篇文章的目的是要觀察和比較台灣過去和現今英語教學的變化和差異。這些變化和差異將用下列幾點來探討:英文的角色、課程的設計、教學的方針、學習者的角色、語言的方針、課本的角色、學習的資源、學習的方針、教室的組織、和語言的評量。


台灣 英語 語言教室 語言教學 語言學習


In Taiwan, English is taught as a foreign language (EFL) based on Carter and Nunan’s (2001)definition of EFL—English is neither widely used for communication nor used as a medium of instruction. The traditional English language teaching approach is still employed by most teachers in Taiwan because of the academic attainment tests and the entrance examinations (Chang & Wu, 2003). Teachers just put focus on grammar teaching; they neglect the importance of developing students’ communication skills. To achieve the goal of English language teaching, educators put more sophisticated insights to look at the role and the needs of learners within the language process and the way of English language teaching. Inevitably, these emerging insights of second languages have led some fundamental changes in the way of language teaching and learning. This paper aims at observing the changes and comparing the differences in the way of language teaching between both traditional and contemporary English classrooms. The changes and differences will be shown in the areas of the role of English, syllabus design, approaches to teaching, the role of learners, approaches to language, the role of texts, resources for learning, approaches to learning, classroom organization,and language assessment.


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