  • 期刊


Traditional Topic with New definition-Writing Pattern and Expression of Li Bai Ancient Yue-Fu Poetry as Example


李白的樂府詩,是藝術成就評價極高的作品。學界對此,歷來論述已多。然而尚未被充分認知與歸納的是:因前有所作,詩人心中都已有一個或數個藍本,如何超越與突破,如何推陳出新,給予讀者全新的感動與經驗,並能獲得諸多詩評大家的肯定與推崇,這應該是觀察李白古題樂府詩成就的重要切點。 本文即以李白古題樂府爲討論中心,據前作與李白詩相互對照,一方面討論李白古題樂府與前人樂府詩的表現方式差異,一方面將李白古題樂府的寫作方式所表現的成果整理歸納。除了提出李白於古題樂府如何承繼與創新的寫作手法外,也使李白在詩學上的創新與突破,得以更清楚的被理解、重新檢視。


樂府詩 承襲 創新 李白 古題樂府


Li Bai's Yue-Fu poetry, as a extremely high art value of Chinese history. Academia already has defined different comments and explanations. But nowadays as poet's preconception, how to overcome for new achievements and express new emotional feeling and new experiences to the audiences becomes the achieve point of Li Bai's Yue-Fu poetry. Article starts with Li Bai's ancient Yue-Fu poetry as the discussion point. Compare Li's Yue-Fu poetry with previous poetry, one for discussing the expression differences between Bai Li Yue-Fu poetry and ancient Yue-Fu poetry, another for concluded Li's ancient Yue-Fu poetry achievements. Except point out Li's continuous and creative of writing expression in ancient Yue-Fu poetry, but also figure out Li's continuous and creative of writing expression could be redefined and clarified more clearly.
