  • 期刊


The Analysis of Policy for Setting a Subject in Taiwan: Native Curriculum as an Example




After the period of the end of Martial Law in Taiwan in 1987, the open political society promoted the voices of different groups appeared. Respecting the local discourses turned into the main exposition. It was accused of unfair treatments for native culture and language during the Martial Law Period. Official and private figured out some solutions that reach the same goal by different means. Then public and political forces generated and became clear and strong country atmosphere. In addition, human affairs transition of Elections for Magistrate, Mayor and Legislative led the arguments of native issues from native value to setting a subject of native curriculum in Legislative Yuan. At the same time, universities have developed quietly in the native atmosphere, and brought the academic influence. In this study, researcher wanted to understand how decision makers respond to the social atmosphere in policy perspective, and discussed the difference of ideology, as well as what the means of the initiators took. The policy for setting a subject of native curriculum turned into what the policy-maker have to execute. Researcher explored what the political strategies and utilizable goals in the policy, and what the university departments establishing influenced on the policy. Finally, researcher wanted to know how the various factors played key roles to converge the policy and promoted it to appeared and stability.


王紀青、簡慧珍(2002 年8 月12 日)。鄉土語言支援教師:教部害慘我。聯合晚報,8 版
