  • 期刊


The Effect of Betel Quid Chewing Oral Mucosal Lesions-Meta Analysis


嚼檳榔在亞洲南部地區是個非常普遍嗜好,關於檳榔及其添加物對口 腔黏膜病變影響的研究也相當多,然各地方嚼檳榔塊的方式各異,使得所 發表的口腔黏膜病變嚴重程度不同。本研究的目的為整理國內外各地區對 於檳榔及其添加物的流行病學研究資料,利用統合分析方法,整合檳榔及其添加物與口腔黏膜病變之相關性。 本研究整合7國內外近15年來之研究,摟尋上百篇之研究論文,然正符 合並納入統合分析僅13篇研究,論文之研究區域包含了6個國家及7種檳榔塊口爵食法。各地區檳榔塊添加物有所差異;在台灣,檳榔塊以新鮮整顆的檳 榔于不同於其他地區的檳榔塊中為成熟檳榔之果仁。在東南亞國家,檳榔塊 大都加入菸草一起嚼食。中國大陸湖南省一帶,則以嚼食煮過切片的檳榔混合桂花汁或糖石灰熬劑。綜合各地區的檳榔塊嚼食法,發現除了單獨嚼食 檳榔子外,其所有的檳榔塊配料皆有石灰。菁彙整後發現嚼食含菸草檳榔塊對口腔蒙古膜病變之影響最強,其次是單獨嚼食檳榔子、台灣平地檳榔塊、同時有抽菸喝酒的習慣的檳榔嚼食者。 就納入統合分析的論文研究內容而言,台灣地區的資料偏重於探訥檳榔 塊、抽菸、喝酒的加成關係且其中疾病型態以口腔癌的病例研究為主,然東 南亞國家則多以口腔黏膜下纖維化及其他口腔黏膜病變為研究的主要疾病型 態且較少有抽菸、喝酒的加成探討。


This study collected research papers from recent 15 years.There were 13 papers from 6 countries and 7 types of chewing combination of betel quid. Betel quid chewing was practicedby several ways in various countries. In Taiwan, there are three major ways of preparing betel quid: 1) raw areca nut sand-wiched with one piece of inflorescence of Piper Linn, 2) raw areca nut wrapped into a piece of betel leaf together with lime, and 3) raw areca nut sandwiched with stem of P 加er Linn. The Taiwanese betel quid is prepared entirely from fresh areca fruit, which is very different from the betel quid used in other countries. In southeast Asia, betel quid contains areca nut (sun-cured, dried or roasted), slaked lime, betel leaf, condiments and most of the time is chewed with tobacco. In Hunan Prov-ince of China, the betel quid contains boiled areca fruits with cassia twig oil or bittern,and the prevalence of oral submucous fibrosis is fairly low in that area. On Hainan Island, the way of chewing betel quid is similar to the southeast Asia only without tobacco. Overall, the slaked lime is always added in the con-tents of betel quid through out all betel quid chewing countries. According to the contents from these papers, one can con-elude that 1) Taiwanese papers focused on hospital studies about oral cancer and discussed the additive eff ects of betel quid chewers with smoking or alcohol drinking. In other betel quid chewing countries, researches were mainly epidemiology studies on oral mucosal lesions, and were little discussions on the additive effects of smok-ing or alcohol drinking. One can found from these papers that: 1) chewing betel quid with tobacco has higher risk on oral mucosal lesions, and 2) from the disease type points of view, which only Tai-wanese papers are included chewing betel quid includes inflores-cence of Piper Linn. has higher risk.


