  • 期刊


Taiwan's Security under Globalization: Grand Strategy Thinking


本文主要分為五個部分,第一部分討論全球化時代安全的特質,第二部分論述全球化時代臺灣的安全威協特質,第三部分討論臺灣目前國防、外交等政策來維護安全時的一些困境,第四部分則是邏輯辯證,探討臺灣應該用哪一種思維來建構安全戰略。經由以上各部分的討論本文當試建立一些有關全球化時代臺灣安全的命題。第五部分先對國際間已存在的一些安全模式進行分析,最後則針對所建立的十三個命題來思考,在全球化的時代裡,臺灣應如何建構安全的認知與戰略。 從本文所建立的十三個命題可以了解,臺灣如果能夠積極面對全球與兩岸關系,方能獲得較可靠的安全。如何能夠安全進入全球化,享受全球化的利益,而不被全球化所吞蝕;如何能夠充分掌握兩岸關系發展,獲得最佳利益,而不被中國大陸和平消化,作者提出「全球化」、「兩岸區域經濟體」、「整個中國」與「兩岸統合」四個方向作為臺灣安全戰略設計的依循。


This paper is divided into five sections. The first section discusses the characteristics of security in the era of globalization; the second section deals with the nature of threats faced by Taiwan under globalization; the third section discusses the limitations of the current defense and foreign policies in maintaining national security; the fourth section is a dialectic discussion on selecting the optimal security strategy for Taiwan. Through these discussions, this paper establishes a series of propositions on Taiwan's security under globalization. In the fifth section, the analysis of the existing security models on international relations is followed by a construction of Taiwan's security cognition and strategy, based on the 13 propositions, under globalization. Based on the 13 propositions of the article, we can say that Taiwan would acquire higher security if it takes an active move in dealing with globalization and relations across the Taiwan Strait. In response to the questions how Taiwan can advance to a full range of globalization and enjoy the benefit of it while at the same time avoid being devoured by global economy, how Taiwan can fully control the development of Cross-Strait relations while not to be dissipated by mainland China, the author proposes ”globalization”, ”Cross-Strait Economic Community,” ”Whole China,” and ”Integration Across Taiwan Strait” as four guidelines for Taiwan in designing its security strategy.


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