  • 期刊


The Beginnings of Anarchy and Marxism in China


本文分爲三部份。第一部分考察了無政府主義思潮和運動在「五四」時期新文化論述中的地位和影響,著重指出,以往人們普遍視爲屬於「啓蒙思想」範疇的「五四」新文化觀念,如「自由」、「個性解放」、「社會革命」、「平等」等等,應放在歷史的知識背景(interllectual context)中加以考察,而無政府主義則構成這一背景的重要因素。第二部分討論了中國無政府主義的社會烏托邦理念,著重分析其價值一元論的特徵,强調其向極權主義轉向的智識可能性。第三部分探討中國無政府主義對於馬克思主義在中國的廣泛傳播和接受所發生的正面作用,分析了不少知識青年從無政府主義者轉向馬克思主義者的歷史和思想契機。全文强調烏托邦主義對於這一歷史性的思想轉型的重要性。


This article will be presented in three parts. The first part would like to examine the use of Anarchy as a trend and a way of thought during the ”May Fourth Movement” in China, also examining the influence and position of the theory of the ”New Culture” in th is movement. It would also like to emphasize the prevailing notion of the past that the ”May Fourth Movement” was a sort of ”Enlightenment” and take a look at notions of the ”New Culture” such as; ”Freedom”, ”Personal Liberation”, ”Social Revolution”. When placed in an historical, intellectual context, anarchy constitutes an important factor in this background. The second part would like to discuss the Social Utopianism of Chinese Anarchy, specifically their notion of monism. In this discussion, I would like to emphasize the possible intellectual tendency that was latent in Social Utopianism. The third part would like to examine the use of Anarchy in the spread and acceptance of Marxism in China. I would like to especially analyze the turning point where many young intellectuals turned from Anarchy to Marxism. The whole of the article would like to emphasize the importance of Utopianism in this historical context.


Anarchy Marxism Utopianism May Fourth


鄭坤騰(2008)。荒湮的革命之路: 中國托派的不斷革命論與革命抉擇(1925-1952)〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.01577
