  • 期刊


On Buddhist Character Education Informed by the Humanistic Concern and Philosophical Dimension of the Fifty-three Visits of Sudhana


本文選取《華嚴經•入法界品》善財童子南行五十三參善知識為題材,以其高尚的品格為學習典範,經由人文關懷與哲學向度,闡釋佛教的品格教育,期能有助經營自我生命,提昇身心靈以及實現真善美的人生境界。在面對終極真實時能夠知善,並且企求終極目標之欲善,同時進行道德反思與內化認同,最終實現終極承諾,從而外顯為真誠的行善,呈現良善的品格,在知行合一中,邁向生命圓滿之道。 本文除前言與結語外,共分為四個部份:一、高尚品格榜樣:「善財」童子;二、面對終極真實:知何為「善」;三、企求終極目標:渴望為「善」;四、實現終極承諾:實際行「善」,嘗試闡明佛教的品格教育。


The subject matter of this paper is to explore the fifty-three visits of Sudhana-sresthi-daraka to kalyanamitra in ”Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara,” Gandavyūhasūtra. It takes the noble character presented in this chapter as the model for learning and interprets Buddhist character education through its humanistic concern and philosophical dimension in wishes to help one manage his life, improve one's body, mind and soul as well as fulfill the true, good and beautiful state of life. In the face of the ultimate truth, one is expected to know goodness, aspire for goodness as the ultimate goal, have moral reflection and identify oneself with goodness inwardly and finally fulfill the ultimate promise, which is in turn externalized as truthful good deeds and expressed as good character. Through the unity of knowledge and practice, one would step on the way to the perfection of life. Beside the foreword and the conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts: first, the model of noble character; second, facing the ultimate truth; third, aspiring for the ultimate goal; and fourth, fulfilling the ultimate promise.


