  • 期刊


Special Confucian Philosophy




儒家 人生哲學 特性


Confucianists place a heavy emphasis on social order and stability. They feel man is the key factor in realizing this ideal. Consequently, Confucianists feel humanistic philosophy to be the major factor in maintaining social stability. This humanistic philosophy thus forms a systematic and concrete philosophy of life. This paper considers Confucianism to have eight special characteristics which distinguish it from other schools of thought. They are: assertiveness, this worldliness, subjectivity, independence, socialness, morality, harmoniousness, and utility. Confucianist humanistic philosophy is neither imbued with depression and nihilism, which is typical of Buddhism, nor with passiveness and obedience, which is characteristic of Daoism. Confucian philosophy advocates both assertiveness of the individual and harmony in society. It is imbued with a strong sense of morality, which advocates pragmatism, utility and attaches special importance to man's role in the cosmos. These characteristics of Confucian philosophy have had a far-reaching impact on the Chinese people, and are decisive factors in shaping her fine culture and tradition. It is evident that we are the heirs of this fine philosophical spirut and it is imperative to keep this tradition alive.

