  • 期刊


Brain, Emotions and the Development of Intentional Feelings


情感包含了情緒與情意。情緒立基於人的機體的身體,然而情意的發展則必須轉向體驗的身體。本人過去對於機體的身體並未多所著墨,本文擬從情緒在機體身體中的興起加以討論,藉以顯題化由機體的身體到體驗的身體的過度,以及機體的身體在情感生活中扮演的角色,將特別集中在對大腦的作用的討論。 基本上,情感的情緒面興起於機體身體,但情感本身並不止於此身。人由於意識的出現而有了意向性的作用,於是有情意之發展。所謂情意指的是有意向性的情感,特別是指那些指向意義與價值的高級情感,諸如美感、道德感情與宗教情操。本文首先闡明如何由人的體驗的身體發展出美感經驗,由作為意義動力的欲望發展出有美感與藝術意義的世界。進而,情意發展也有其倫理層面。本文藉著討論亞里斯多德的「實踐智慧」,以及儒家、道家的相關思想,顯示情意的倫理向度的寬泛意義。最後,本文要討論情意生活中的宗教層面,並略做歸結。


Human affectivity includes emotions and feelings. Emotions have their physiological foundation on human body as organism, whereas intertional feelings refer to body as lived. The present author has in his previous writings put emphasis on body as lived, but few words have touched upon body as organism. This paper makes a remedy on this point and attempts to deal with problems such as how emotions arises from body as organism so as to make clear the transition from body as organism to body as lived, and the role organic body played in our emotional life, focus being put on the functions of the brain. Basically speaking, the emotional aspect of human affectivity is originated from, but not limited to, organic body. I see our body as the locus of human desire, defined as a dynamic energy towards the meaningfulness of life. Because of the emergence of consciousness and its intentionality, we have a further development of life of our intentional feelings. ”Intentional feeling” denotes those feelings with intentionality that directs iself towards meaningulness and values, especially those intending higher levels of mental activities such as aesthetic feeling, moral feeling and religious sentiment. We will discuss first how aesthetic feelings emerge from body as lived, in the way that desire as dynamism of meaning develops into a world of aesthetic values. Intentional feeling has its ethical dimensional, in the sense determined by Aristotle's idea of phronesis, Confucian idea of moral praxis and Daoist idea of life praxis. In the end, this paper will try to shematize the religious dimension of intentional feeling.



