  • 期刊


Studies of Anti-HBV Effects of Isochrysis aff. Galbana on Wild-type HBV and Lamivudine-Resistant Mutant HBV




Viral Hepatitis B is the major cause of acute and chronic hepatitis. Chronic infection has been known to be the precursor for cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Despite the availability of an effective preventive vaccine for HBV in recent years, there are still 300 million existing chronic HBV carriers that urgently need therapy. Recently, lamivudine (also called 3TC), a cytosine nucleoside analogue, has been shown to be very effective in therapeutic treatment of hepatitis B. However, after long-term administration of lamivudine, drug-resistant HBV mutations can occur. The drug-resistant mutations are believed to be due to site-directed mutagenesis on YMDD motif of the wild-type HBV DNA polymerase gene. To address the issue, many research efforts worldwide are now focused on identifying marine-based drugs with effective anti-HBV effects while free from the above-mentioned drug-resistant mutations. In this paper, we use an in vitro cell culture system and the ELISA method to assay the inhibition of surface and e antigen in Isochrysis aff. galbana on wild-type HBV(MS-G2 cell line) and lamivudine-Resistant Mutant HBV (M33 cell line). Our results showed that the methanol extract of Isochrysis aff. galbana exhibits very significant inhibition on the expression of the surface antigen from the lamivudine-Resistant Mutant HBV. However, no significant inhibition on the expression of surface antigen from wild-type HBV was found. In addition, the methanol extract of Isochrysis aff. galbana exhibits no effect on the expression of e antigen from either lamivudine-Resistant Mutant HBV or wild-type HBV.
