  • 期刊


The Exploration of Integrated the Gender Equity Issue into Instructional Eesign for Young Children: With the Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers as an Example




This study focused on pre-service early childhood teachers integrated gender equity issue into instructional designs and practices for young children, based of the information about teacher-student interactions and qualification data of research in academy to clarify, analyze, discovery, and consider students consciousness about the issue of gender equity. According to the representation of research results, the instructional activities designed by students responded the meanings of gender equity and the integrated into instructional practices on the dimensions of theory, development, and practical reflection, but there were more distances between their instructional practices and ideal gender equity framework. Their practices lacked the self-consciousness and empowerment for young children to understand and construct their gender equity consciousness, and dominated by traditional gender culture. It also was short of high level thinking and examining gender praxis for young children. The research focused on the reflections and constructions about the practices in classrooms, to consider the empowerment and enlightenment of gender equity for young children to enrich the development discourse about this issue.
