  • 期刊


Analysis of Global Governance for Health Care System of Influenza H1N1: Governance Mechanism Approach


H1N1新型流感治理,具有全球性,是屬於全球治理。在2009年4月6日,墨西哥的小鎮拉格羅里亞傳出衛生警戒,此一種呼吸道疾病即大舉肆虐,不到兩個星期時間,美國加州,也傳出類似案例,旋於2009年9月6日止計有188國,超過277,607的確定病例,至少造成3,205人死亡。截至2009年11月15日全球共逾206國及海外領地通報H1N1新型流感確定病例,逾6,770例死亡,足見疫情蔓延的嚴重性及全球化現象。 本文採文獻分析法,建構了以醫療體系中的公部門、私部門及第三部門為互動主體的全球治理體系,該全球治理體系,明示了醫療體系三種部門各自的自主性機制,以及彼此間的需求性機制。其中公部門的自主性機制,在建構組織、強化管理、動員資源及制定政策;私部門的自主性機制,在控制居民染、儲備資源、研發製造及行銷防疫;第三部門的自主性機制,在研究調盔、宣導溝通、參與政策及國際整合。 從上述三個部門之互動,形成了全球對H1N1治理機制,達到了抑制感染、整合資源及效率正義的功能。


Dealing with H1N1 influenza is a global governance issue. In April 6th, 2009, a small town in Mexico issued a health warning. This respiratory disease was spreading quickly and widely around within two weeks. In the mean time, California, U.S.A also reported similar cases. Until September 6th, 2009, there were totally 188 countries with more than 277,607 confirmed infections with 3,205 killed by this disease. Up till November 15th, 2009, the number of infection countries reached 206 with 6,770 deaths globally. This result indicated the seriousness of the epidemic and the phenomenon of globalization. This article uses the literature analysis with construction to analyze the interaction, and global governance between the public sector, private sector and the third sector. The global governance system clearly showed the autonomy of the sectors within the health care system. The following explains the autonomy of three sectors: the autonomy of the public sector includes organizational construction, management strengthening, mobilizing resources and policy development; the autonomy of the private sector includes infection control, resources reservation, research and development, and disease control marketing; and the autonomy of the third sector includes research and investigation, advocacy and communication, and to participate in policies and international integration. With the interaction between the described sectors, this formed the mechanism to the infection suppression, and integration of resources and efficiency of justice functions.


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